The Corrs Club

Tour finances
03-Aug-2019 09:53:23

CorrsClub Time:
20-Apr-2024 00:13:31

I was also wondering about whether Sharon's solo gigs were able to turn a profit. I went to see her in Philadelphia, where she played a club that had a capacity of 300, according to its website. Tickets were US $28, which is about 25 euros. I don't remember how full the place was; there might have been maybe about 200 people. That would be a gross of $6000 or so.

Sharon had a 5-piece band backing her (guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, and pipes), so that's 6 people total, plus you have to cover the cost of the crew, venue, meals and lodging, transportation, and other expenses. Can you turn a profit based on grossing something like $6000 a night? Seems like it would be difficult.

She would have grossed additional funds from merchandise sales, but I wouldn't think this would make a big difference. I remember Sharon saying in an interview that she considered the album itself to be a loss leader to get people to come to her gigs.

I wonder how much money a working musician like Thad DeBrock (Sharon's guitarist and music director) or Ketih or Anto makes in a year? I imagine it must be a tough living unless you are pretty established and in demand.

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