The Corrs Club

The sample is from...
02-Oct-2019 19:12:36

CorrsClub Time:
19-Feb-2025 13:52:43

The start of the book. Page 5 in fact.
The audio book sounds amazing, it somehow adds even more sincerity to the stories.

The book is written in an interesting manner, there is poetry and song lyrics intermingled with the main dialogue. The book has a sort of song writing feel to it, lots of use of metaphors and it feels to me, to leap around quite a bit. Her history is told as a series of anecdotes that are often funny, sometimes dark, and also heart breaking - just like their music.
It's strange to lots of what is written being things we know a little about via interviews, or indeed songs. Familiar characters appear, be it the siblings, parents, John Hughes, Jodie the dog...

I made it to page 112 last night, the book has 224 if you ignore the acknowledgements and index so more or less half way through, and she's talking about being signed, and FNF, most of what has come before this is about her childhood, though as the book was written in close proximity to Jupiter Calling so there are parallels between early childhood and parts of that album in the early part of the book.

I've never been a huge fan of the more personal aspects of The Corrs lives, I'm in it for the music, but I'm still finding this a compelling read and really enjoying it.


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