This just isn't about politics. Abortion, public safety, sexuality are not political matters. Jim spreads a toxic 26-Jul-2020 12:12:11
| CorrsClub Time: 13-Sep-2024 14:33:07 |
message filled with lies, and hatred. It's a message that is dangerous enough that it has the potential to kill people.
The political stuff I can live with, people have different views, and that's fine, but when views and facts are intermingled, it isn't right.
The fact that the Daily Mail are writing about him negatively says it all as the Mail itself is another toxic source that exists by publishing stories bordering on slander, and the usual tabloid junk filled with paparazzi snaps of things that are about as newsworthy or relevant as what I had for breakfast. Must be a slow news day for them to be pushing Corrs stories mind!
Fans will always be associated with the views of a band, regardless, the difficulty here is that his sisters don't agree with him, and yet the (bordering on slanderous) headline suggests they do.
I'm embarrassed but also mature enough to separate my love for their music from my lack of respect for him.
I feel for his sisters, other previous band members etc.
See also JK Rowling, Morrissey and a LOT of people in Formula 1 / motor spots circles (as a huge fan of the sport).
Outdated, blissfully unaware, uneducated, naive, reluctant to change or just plain wrong, I don't know.
Also, twitter itself is also a complete cesspool. They operate algorithms that simply push you further into echo chambers, it's a programmatic silo generator, and will continue to create silos of both love and hatred in equal measures. What a world we've created!
(This message has been read 313 times.) |