The Corrs Club

Beatles songs
13-Oct-2020 09:50:21

CorrsClub Time:
12-Oct-2024 09:37:48

Mentari, thanks for the link to Sharon playing Blackbird -- I had not heard that. I have been thinking about your question on what Beatles songs I'd like to hear the Corrs cover. I'm a huge Beatles fan, so my first answer would be 'any of them'. But I'm not sure many of my favorite Beatles songs would make for good cover songs. For instance, I love Tomorrow Never Knows, but I can't imagine the Corrs covering that. Perhaps one song that would work is For No One, a track from my favorite Beatles album, Revolver:

Here's another Beatles song that the Corrs participated in: a cover of All You Need is Love from the Millenium Dome Opening Ceremony in 1999 (Caroline seems to be missing):

Here's So Young from the same performance:

Mentari, what Beatles songs do you think would make good Corrs coers?

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