The Corrs Club

She sounded (and looked) great!...
13-Dec-2020 00:08:27

CorrsClub Time:
06-Oct-2024 16:50:53

I like how she's never just "singing a song" - she's always singing the story of the song as though it comes from the heart. She must take time to sit with the lyrics and think about the meaning. And I love that she can switch between power and vulnerability while still maintaining the strength and pitch of her voice.

At the start, I was a little thrown off by her heavy breathing (singers are trained not to do that) but it seemed to get better. I do like when I can hear her breathe - it just seemed like she wasn't breathing from the right place at first. Maybe she was nervous or had a cold!

And, she looked wonderful! I loved her dress. Not everyone looks good in black, but she does!

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