The Corrs Club

That Indonesian singer in the first video is great...
14-Dec-2020 11:26:37

CorrsClub Time:
07-May-2024 21:16:10

...and the musicianship of the band in general seems really good.

Thanks for your thoughts on tribute bands!

That's a really good point that they need to perform the live versions.

The reason I was asking is because there is a local singer here who has been doing well putting on cabaret shows that are essentially tributes to famous musicians - Adele, Miley Cyrus, The Beatles, and music from films. She is a very good singer and has great musicians perform with her - and the shows have some funny storytelling in between, from what I can tell. (I haven't seen them, only video snippets).

I used to look down on the idea of tribute bands...but if the musicians are good, and they add a storytelling angle to it, then maybe people would like to see it.

And I was tossing around the idea of what a Corrs tribute/covers show might be like, and if it could work here (especially as The Corrs aren't going to be touring Australia anytime soon).

I've seen that kind of show done before for classical musicians. For example, I know someone who works with classical ensembles to put on shows about composers like Tchaikovsky. There will be a spoken word element (talking about their lives) and music woven in between.

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