The Corrs Club

Also, little throwback :
27-Oct-2023 13:22:14

CorrsClub Time:
12-Oct-2024 09:40:55

It was posted in very good quality recently (ish)
I really love that video, and the group of fans singing was pretty talented and did very nice harmonies :

Apparently, one of the women seen singing there was at the Q&A organised by The Corrs last year during their "one and only" date in Australia. She asked the band if they remembered doing that tv show and Andrea said yes, and that amazingly, she even met Cilla at a random party one evening a few years back and went to say hello to her*. Cilla apparently did not remember her or knew who she was, lol. Cilla passed away in 2015, sadly, RIP Cilla Black.
The show was broadcast in June 1997, but the actual time of shooting would be around January or February 1997, when The Corrs embarked on a comprehensive tour in Australia and New Zealand, after having enjoyed spectacular success on this territory for their very first album. Shortly after this very last, extended leg of the FNF tour, they would have gone back to California to resume and finalise the recording of Talk On Corners, their second album, that would push them, after a struggling start, just a short year later, into the stratosphere of pop charts success !

*thank you The Corrscast podcast for that trivia !

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