Message thread:
CorrMac - Caroline was presented to the Queen today ... 28-Mar-2019 19:36:14
dave - .... did the Queen give her back ? 28-Mar-2019 22:48:04
CorrMac - I'm guessing she did or she wouldn't have been able to post on Instagram! 28-Mar-2019 23:09:07
MentariS - According to Anna Lucy Hughes’s Instagram story, a suite in the music school is named after Caroline 29-Mar-2019 08:06:41
GaelleF - Seems Caroline has relocated in England for good, as her kids go to that school now. Article: 29-Mar-2019 12:41:56
CorrMac - She still seems to have her house in Mallorca ... 29-Mar-2019 14:32:26
MentariS - Anna Lucy Hughes has confirmed on IG that it’s indeed the new percussion room that’s named after Caz 30-Mar-2019 00:46:17
CorrMac - P.S. Hope that they don't know more than we do ... 29-Mar-2019 14:38:55
dave - My understanding is that the Corr siblings and their families have homes 29-Mar-2019 15:11:34
MentariS - Photos of Caroline at the event posted by King's Bruton (the school) on Facebook and Flickr: 29-Mar-2019 18:37:59
MentariS - Video of Caz greeting the Queen posted by @thecorrsfanpage on IG: 30-Mar-2019 00:50:27
nightcat - I think the Queen wearing green was also a nice touch, and glad she gave back Caroline hahahahahaha 31-Mar-2019 13:40:18

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