Message thread:
CorrMac - Looks like Sharon will be a 'virtual' guest on the Late Late Showthis week ... 19-Mar-2020 22:12:56
MentariS - Very interesting, thanks for the info! 19-Mar-2020 22:21:08
MentariS - Just finished watching Sharon’s segment. She looked exhausted but it’s probably... 21-Mar-2020 00:13:40
Wendy - Yes, that's the most worried/tired I've seen her look... 21-Mar-2020 02:43:05
SteveW - What did Sharon say? Did she sing/play as well? 21-Mar-2020 05:48:22
SteveW - I found a video of Sharon's appearance 21-Mar-2020 09:52:05
Wendy - That's all I saw - just an update on living in Spain during COVID-19 21-Mar-2020 12:07:57
CorrMac - Yes, basically the whole programme seemed to be a coronavirus 'special' 21-Mar-2020 12:25:39
dave - She looked really scared to me, which is not surprising having 2 kids to look after 21-Mar-2020 21:42:49

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