Message thread:
MentariS - New interview with Sharon on The Irish Independent (by Barry Egan): 03-May-2020 13:01:24
SteveW - Thanks for posting this; looking forward to reading it 03-May-2020 13:47:57
corrazy_rach - Barry Egan interviews are always good ones! 03-May-2020 15:35:15
corrazy_rach - Thanks for sharing the screenshots, much appreciated! 03-May-2020 15:46:19
SteveW - Enjoyed this interview; thanks again for posting. My one gripe... 04-May-2020 02:55:58
nightcat - Thank you for your service as always Mentari! Looking forward to the album and glad to hear from Sharon 04-May-2020 04:47:51
dave - You can also read this full interview and photos in the Belfast Telegraph, 11-May-2020 10:19:15
Corranga - Link from Dave to the whole article 11-May-2020 16:10:15

If you have questions or comments,
please e-mail Cara at