Message thread:
RogerB - Seret Life? 14-Jun-2020 18:19:53
Corranga - I’m almost certain Jim is responsible for Secret Life 14-Jun-2020 19:18:12
dave - Yes, the girls have often commented that Jim wrote Secret Life. 14-Jun-2020 20:55:05
RogerB - Found it: Thomas Aquinas, etc 15-Jun-2020 10:08:43
SteveW - Secret Life and other unusual songs 15-Jun-2020 12:10:03
MentariS - Not sure how the lyrics came to be, but it's definitely Jim who wrote the song 19-Jun-2020 07:19:38
JohnLnyc - A favorite 22-Jun-2020 22:48:48

If you have questions or comments,
please e-mail Cara at