Message thread:
nexi_exi17 - Rare LTLY performance 1994 on RTÉ Player!!!! 14-Dec-2020 10:00:04
SteveW - Thanks, Miguel -- I'm dying to see this but I can't get it to play 14-Dec-2020 10:20:58
nexi_exi17 - It's been posted on Youtube: 14-Dec-2020 16:44:05
SteveW - Wonderful performance. I love the piano part and Andrea's effortless vocal. 15-Dec-2020 04:40:16
Corrsgirl1 - This is such a lovely version of the song! 15-Dec-2020 19:42:06
dave - Thanks for posting the Youtube link Miguel, I couldn't get the RTE one to work. 16-Dec-2020 16:50:42
Corranga - This is wonderful! Great that after all of these years these things are still being found 16-Dec-2020 15:17:50
dave - Well if anyone has the resources to find hidden gems Chris - its him. 16-Dec-2020 16:52:54

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please e-mail Cara at