Message thread:
MAH - Message posting should be back to normal 02-Jan-2021 11:32:46
MAH - Anyone visited the Corrs official website in the last, oh, 11 months? 02-Jan-2021 20:48:16
Corranga - Their website went down for years then came back. It’s one of the indicators I’d use to predict some sort of come back 04-Jan-2021 09:31:46
MAH - Genuine question: would people miss a broken link at the top of the page ... ? 02-Jan-2021 21:21:19
Corranga - @says2jim seems to be legit if you’re interested in his content 04-Jan-2021 09:29:18
Corranga - Thanks Marc :) Happy New Year! 04-Jan-2021 09:29:50
dave - Happy New Year to all Corrsclubbers - I sincerely hope that it is an improvement on 2020 ! 04-Jan-2021 13:32:36

If you have questions or comments,
please e-mail Cara at