Message thread:
SeanCorrain - This .... is strange 12-Feb-2021 17:56:37
SteveW - Sorry to hear that, Sean. That is... unfortunate. 12-Feb-2021 18:14:38
Corrsgirl1 - At this point I've stopped hoping for a comeback 12-Feb-2021 19:01:05
Corranga - Oh Sean, this is unfair, but of unfortunately just par for the course with people like this who are so deep into their 13-Feb-2021 10:22:18
MentariS - I echo this, Chris. Having actually lost a loved one to COVID-19, on top of... 18-Feb-2021 03:02:13
CorrMac - I hope not too. My brother-in-law was ill with COVID and, ... 18-Feb-2021 16:31:52
Wendy - That's really disappointing, to lose respect for someone you looked up to... 14-Feb-2021 09:59:14
MentariS - I'm very sorry to hear that, Sean. It really is surreal to see someone you used to admire go down that path... 18-Feb-2021 02:59:11

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