Message thread:
Rick T. - Give this song a listen and tell me who the artist makes YOU think of... 02-Dec-2011 17:42:16
Brandon - I like it. The artist doesn't immediately remind me of anyone though. 05-Dec-2011 19:52:29
Brandon - Sting was the first person to come to mind. 07-Dec-2011 16:37:33
The other Gary - I've looked at the video a couple of times. 08-Dec-2011 07:09:27
Rick T. - Yep, Sting's the one I was hoping someone would mention. 12-Dec-2011 17:21:08
Brandon - Isn't it something how big this song got on youtube? 10-Apr-2012 16:17:31
Cara - Have you seen this? (Cover by Walk Off The Earth) 10-Apr-2012 17:35:04
Brandon - Yes I have seen that! They're great as well. 21-Apr-2012 10:16:51
Brandon - Trying one more time to post videos. 21-Apr-2012 10:23:00
Cara - I think that video has kindof skyrocketed their popularity. ;-) But it's just so cool! 21-Apr-2012 20:13:48

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please e-mail Cara at