Message thread:
Rick T.
Meytal Cohen
19-Aug-2013 18:57:36
That was fun! (and now I know why Caroline ties her hair back when she plays drums)
20-Aug-2013 09:47:45
the other Gary
I think they both move around a lot.
25-Aug-2013 10:17:06
Rick T.
I just checked out some footage of Alexa playing.
30-Aug-2013 05:34:18
Rick T.
Ha! I just realized that I've seen another video of Alexa playing...
30-Aug-2013 06:17:05
the other Gary
Right now, I think the 3 bands Alexa is focusing on are....
30-Aug-2013 08:25:12
the other Gary
Saw Alexa playing with Saucy Monky last night.
16-Sep-2013 08:03:26
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