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  • Forgiven, Not Forgotten to be released on vinyl on May 26, 2017! (10-May)
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    The Corrs!!
    Courtesy Of: Chris
    Discography Project

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    It's not often we have Corrs news, but we do right now, so here we go! TheCorrsClub is still open for business, and The Corrs themselves have some new releases on the way! A new single, a new edition of an old album (or 2 even!) And a tour kicking off later this month.

    What a time to be a fan!

    Apologies for the lack of updates on this page everyone, I'm not promising a whole lot of change, but little things might be changing here and there


    CorrsClub Time:
    20-Jan-2025 06:58:19
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                               Cara - Upcoming Tour/Gig Dates
                                                 [ 11 replies ] Latest reply: 19-Jun-2023 13:01:32
                               Cara - Board Discography Project
                                                 [ 3 replies ] Latest reply: 15-Nov-2015 21:23:11
                               Cara - Guidelines, FAQ, & References
                                                 [ 1 reply ] Latest reply: 02-Jul-2012 15:36:39

    Craig - Looks like our beloved Andrea went through the masked singer on top 18-Jan-2025 20:40:36
                  Yrisea - Snail did really well 18-Jan-2025 20:45:33
                  Yrisea - Performance of Snail 18-Jan-2025 22:29:48
                               Corranga - Full video in the same place as the last one, including clues and guesses 18-Jan-2025 22:53:46
                                            Yrisea - I agree about this sounding even more like Andrea 18-Jan-2025 23:29:03
                                            SteveW - That definitely must be Andrea 19-Jan-2025 05:19:05
                                                         Steverino - Oh yeah! The sound of the voice in this new video has convinced me that it is indeed Andrea. 19-Jan-2025 17:19:45
                               Corranga - Full video in the same place as the last one, including clues and guesses 18-Jan-2025 22:53:46
                  Yrisea - Am I stretching this too much 🤔? 19-Jan-2025 14:32:51
                               Steverino - I think you're right on 19-Jan-2025 19:27:51

    Corranga - The Masked Singer UK - Is it Andrea? 05-Jan-2025 12:03:45
                  Yrisea - It would be very fun if it was her 05-Jan-2025 14:36:00
                  SteveW - That does sound kind of like Andrea 05-Jan-2025 15:19:01
                               Yrisea - It's funny 05-Jan-2025 15:33:53
                                            SteveW - To me it sounds like her singing, but not her speaking voice 05-Jan-2025 20:57:09
                                                         Yrisea - I just posted a message before I could see yours SteveW! 05-Jan-2025 21:12:38
                  Yrisea - OK I listened to it again tonight 05-Jan-2025 21:02:55
                  Rmssw - It definitely sounds like Andrea 06-Jan-2025 02:07:32
                  Steverino - "Let's hire Andrea Corr, alter her voice, cover her face and dress her as a snail, mmmkay?" 10-Jan-2025 17:16:50
                               Yrisea - I agree 10-Jan-2025 17:48:35
                  Brandon - That 100% sounds like her... 11-Jan-2025 09:47:35
                               Yrisea - What about the clues? What do you make of it 11-Jan-2025 12:32:36
                                            Corranga - We had a look back at some old clues for other singers and they are never that obvious 11-Jan-2025 21:27:27
                                                         Yrisea - Ah right! Thanks Chris ! I'm not very familiar with the show, it makes sense... 12-Jan-2025 00:34:47
                                                                      Corranga - Well they have an album called Home ;) 12-Jan-2025 17:39:26
                  Craig - Sounds like Andrea and the mannerisms 12-Jan-2025 20:43:29
                               Ferrinho - So excited about this! 14-Jan-2025 12:16:36
                  DrFunkenstein - I'd say the definitely sounds like Andrea! There are some words she has a unique way of singing, 16-Jan-2025 15:08:59
                  Yrisea - Snail will be on in a few min... 18-Jan-2025 19:51:36
                               Yrisea - In the clues this time... 18-Jan-2025 20:32:09
                                            Corranga - I'm wondering if the show is a little bit staged at this point. Jonathan Ross has always been an advocate of the Corrs I 18-Jan-2025 22:57:51
                                                         Yrisea - Totally legit question I agree 18-Jan-2025 23:27:25

    Yrisea - Happy New Year to everyone Corrs Clubbers 02-Jan-2025 10:53:40
                  Steverino - Thank you, Yrisea! Happy New Year to you, too, and to all of the members here. 02-Jan-2025 16:54:42

    Baxterianism - CorrsCast Documentary Special 1990-1992: Making Sounds 01-Jan-2025 08:55:14
                  Yrisea - Happy new year Simon 01-Jan-2025 15:16:17
                  Steverino - This sounds very fascinating: one I won't want to miss. I tried to fix the URL link here. 02-Jan-2025 18:36:04
                               Yrisea - Thank you, yes it works :-) 02-Jan-2025 19:09:12
                  SteveW - Loved this episode and hearing their early music 11-Jan-2025 00:26:06
                  Steverino - I listened tonight: it's fascinating to hear how the sound developed. 12-Jan-2025 06:34:30
                               SteveW - 10,000 Maniacs 13-Jan-2025 05:41:04
                                            Steverino - That's RIGHT! I had forgotten. 13-Jan-2025 17:09:08

    Den - Wow what an excellent Christmas present! I will now be going to 25-Dec-2024 16:20:45
                  Yrisea - I'm not jealous at all ;-) 01-Jan-2025 15:18:18

    SteveW - Dreams trivia question 16-Dec-2024 04:45:09
                  Yrisea - BBC Radio 1, Dec 2000? 16-Dec-2024 15:42:06
                               Yrisea - Sorry, BBC Radio 2!... 16-Dec-2024 15:44:14
                                            SteveW - Yes, the BBC Radio2 Christmas gig is one of them! One more... 16-Dec-2024 16:25:28
                  DrFunkenstein - I'm gonna have to go with The Royal Albert Hall, St Paddy's Day, Mar 17, 1998. 18-Dec-2024 21:27:15
                               SteveW - not RAH 1998 -- that performance was their updated version 19-Dec-2024 05:02:26
                                            Corranga - I have a version from a live gig, from a bootleg CD, but conveniently, the mp3 album tag only contains "b-sides" 19-Dec-2024 09:46:37
                  AB_CLOSER - Live at De Melkweg, Amsterdam (November 18th 1997) 19-Dec-2024 12:00:18
                               SteveW - I did not know about this gig, but yes, that definitely sounds like the original Fleetwood Mac version of Dreams 19-Dec-2024 13:13:42
                               Corranga - Of course, this makes perfect sense as I have (had?) the Love In the Milkyway bootleg CD 19-Dec-2024 13:21:16

    Baxterianism - CorrsCast 2024 Ireland and UK Tour Discussion Special 15-Dec-2024 17:57:23
                  Steverino - Simon, so far I have listened only to part of this on Spotify 02-Jan-2025 17:40:49
                               Baxterianism - I’ve uploaded the YouTube version and was thinking it would help you in the… 10-Jan-2025 21:09:08
                                            Steverino - Thank you, Simon. 11-Jan-2025 17:36:59

    dave - As many of you know, I'm no longer an active Corrs fan, but I do keep an eye on their news. I'm currently into Dua Lipa 12-Dec-2024 12:25:57

    dave - Presale tomorrow 9am Wed 11 Dec for The Corrs shows in Cork and Dublin. 10-Dec-2024 20:50:11
                  Corranga - Presales 11-Dec-2024 11:28:29

    dave - A lot more outdoor shows announced today for The Corrs, tickets on sale this coming Friday 13 Dec. 09-Dec-2024 09:54:38
                  Yrisea - Amazing! 09-Dec-2024 12:07:22
                  Yrisea - Sorry for the double message but wanted to add, thank you Dave for keeping us up to date! 09-Dec-2024 12:09:36
                  Den - Thanks Dave. . 09-Dec-2024 18:16:42
                               Corranga - The 3 in the UK all havea presale via Live Nation on Thursday, thogh I don't expect tickets will be hard to get 10-Dec-2024 12:19:21
                               dave - Ireland shows are on Den, presale tomorrow 9am wed 11. 10-Dec-2024 20:52:36
                                            Corranga - With the more reasonable ticket costs, will we see you at any gigs Dave? 11-Dec-2024 11:31:23
                                                         dave - No Chris, I have mobility and travel issues now, but enjoyed my many years of Corrs gigs. 12-Dec-2024 15:17:37
                                                                      Corranga - Ah that's sad to hear Dave, I presume this is affecting your motorbike touring too then? 16-Dec-2024 13:32:59

    dave - The Corrs confirmed today that they will be at the Isle of Wight Festival in 2025. Tickets on sale now. 29-Nov-2024 10:59:33
                  dave - 29-Nov-2024 11:27:24
                               Yrisea - Omggggggggg that's so great!!! 29-Nov-2024 19:35:09
                  Corranga - Perhaps not a huge surprise as John Giddings has been hanging around for the whole UK and Ireland tour 02-Dec-2024 09:19:55
                               dave - Yes, John Giddings has always been there somewhere, but no sign of John Hughes nowadays. 02-Dec-2024 14:08:24
                                            Nick - Yeah. He's 74 now, maybe he's retired? 18-Dec-2024 13:02:03

    SteveW - The Corrs on Sunrise (Australian TV) 29-Nov-2024 10:01:44
                  Jerry - It does not work for me 29-Nov-2024 20:58:57
                               Corranga - You need to use a VPN to pretend to be in Australia to view it, it doesn't seem to work from the UK and presumably 30-Nov-2024 11:21:16

    Jerry - Are the Corrs actually a country band? 28-Nov-2024 02:07:59
                  dave - No, they have always said they are a pop band but that they take their influences from all music genres. 29-Nov-2024 11:01:23
                  SteveW - I thought Breathless was by the Chicks the first time I heard it 29-Nov-2024 12:18:22
                               Corranga - Surely this is just a country website article / journalist comparing the sound of an Irish folk / rock inspired pop 30-Nov-2024 11:28:17

    RichardY - Photos and videos from Sheffield and London 24-Nov-2024 13:24:08
                  AB_CLOSER - Many thanks for sharing. 24-Nov-2024 23:17:00
                  dave - All up to your usual superb standard Richard, thanks for sharing them. 25-Nov-2024 14:34:46
                  Corranga - Wonderful as always! 30-Nov-2024 11:31:50
                               RichardY - No I stopped recording before that Chris! 07-Dec-2024 13:38:16

    SteveW - Chris, is that you at 0:49 in this video? 24-Nov-2024 08:02:37
                  Corranga - Haha, yes! Ella Germein was doing social media for the band. We met he outside the venue mid afternoon at Belfast 24-Nov-2024 12:59:45
                               MrPeabody - I ended up on the cutting room floor.... 26-Nov-2024 12:12:21
                                            Corranga - Ah that's sad :( 02-Dec-2024 09:20:55

    Jerry - Corrs perform at pub 23-Nov-2024 07:01:15
                  Jerry - More details 23-Nov-2024 07:11:38
                  SteveW - Did they actually play Angel acoustic? 24-Nov-2024 08:13:15
                               Jerry - No 24-Nov-2024 23:36:30
                               dave - Probably no videos because the 'pub goers' were not Corrs fans, just folk out for the evening. 25-Nov-2024 14:30:53

    SteveW - interview in thr Times 19-Nov-2024 10:07:21
                  SteveW - Nice interview with Éadaoin NĂ­ MhaicĂ­n (the violinist who subbed for Sharon) 19-Nov-2024 19:52:50
                               dave - It really was an incredible performance from her, given the practice time was so short. 19-Nov-2024 21:18:36
                                            Corranga - She did so well, it was a wonderful and really interesting performance. 19-Nov-2024 22:24:18
                                                         SteveW - Missing band members 19-Nov-2024 22:39:18
                                                                      Steverino - Great interview of Éadaoin NĂ­ MhaicĂ­n, and re. Jim missing from the Corrs 20-Nov-2024 01:25:14
                                                                                   SteveW - Missing Jim 24-Nov-2024 07:49:55
                                                                                                Corranga - Well found Steve! So the only instance we found of Sharon missing was a playback performance anyway 24-Nov-2024 13:02:59

    RichardY - Photos and videos from Cardiff, Birmingham and Newcastle 18-Nov-2024 12:03:26
                  Steverino - Wow! Thank you, Richard, for your kindness in taking the time to share all this with us. 18-Nov-2024 17:53:30
                               Corranga - I know I say it every time but, fantastic pictures Richard as always. It's been a whirlwind of a tour, I can't believe 20-Nov-2024 08:25:11

    BrianB - Free Corrs cardboard 5ft standee - Can drop at Sheffield or you can collect if passing 17-Nov-2024 21:26:53
                  Damon - Can I email you about this? 18-Nov-2024 22:36:55

    SteveW - Sharon out tonight 17-Nov-2024 17:59:26
                  Steverino - I also hope that Sharon is okay and that all will be well. 18-Nov-2024 17:47:49
                  Steverino - I did find this post that reports that Sharon is back, also thanking Éadaoin NĂ­ MhaicĂ­n 18-Nov-2024 18:01:51
                               SteveW - Wow, didn't realize they got a replacement violinist on short notice 18-Nov-2024 21:18:12

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