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grace - Not your typical zombie film 07-Jul-2013 06:06:26

grace - ∆ (alt-J)--I tried to trim it down but it’s still a long-ish post :p 06-Jul-2013 20:43:41
              grace - Also, note that their drumkit doesn't have cymbals O.O 06-Jul-2013 20:58:26
              grace - Correction on the P.S. in the original post 06-Jul-2013 21:05:20
              SteveW - [re:Breezeblocks] Wow, that was an intriguing video 13-Jul-2013 02:40:37

grace - Musical saws... 30-Jun-2013 15:42:53
              SteveW - I had never heard, or even heard of, musical saws... 02-Jul-2013 02:59:13
                           grace - I'm not sure but I always thought it's a Scottish bagpipe 02-Jul-2013 14:50:51
                                        SteveW - I think you're right about the instrument being a bagpipe (plus more bowed percussion) 04-Jul-2013 04:21:01
                                                     SteveW - In the video I embedded yesterday, lots more bowed vibraphone at 10:50-14:44 04-Jul-2013 22:22:44
                                                                  grace - Bowed percussions 05-Jul-2013 19:28:44
                                                                               grace - I meant vibraphone (I didn't know that's the name of the instrument until I looked it up in Wiki) 05-Jul-2013 19:39:01
                                                                               SteveW - Interesting piece -- funny that the cello is plucked and the cymbal is bowed! 07-Jul-2013 03:56:14
                                                     grace - I listened to the track again today and I realized it also sounds like a low brass intstrument 06-Jul-2013 13:24:14
                                        Corranga - Big thumbs up for Delicatessen - one of my favorite films :) 05-Jul-2013 08:54:14
                                                     grace - Corranga, Jean Pierre Jeunet is easily my favorite French filmmaker :) 05-Jul-2013 19:35:11
                                                                  Corranga - Jeunet is possibly my favorite filmmaker of all. I know what you mean about the high quality of 10-Jul-2013 10:42:07
                                                                               grace - You have a point there, they'd definitely hide the poor ones from the rest of the world! 11-Jul-2013 20:01:26

grace - The National 22-Jun-2013 19:24:42

eclair - Picturehouse have released their new album Evolution, In the Irish top 10!! 21-Jun-2013 07:52:13
              Steverino - I just bought it. I hope it's good. It's in the Irish Top 10 you say? I trust the Irish, then. 26-Jun-2013 02:40:10

nightcat - A Rocket To The Moon 17-Jun-2013 09:48:23
              nightcat - And some tracks. 17-Jun-2013 16:53:45
              grace - I've never heard them before... 17-Jun-2013 18:51:15

the other Gary - Free webcast of Camera Obscura on June 17th at 6 pm PDT. 17-Jun-2013 07:16:12

the other Gary - Kina Grannis will be doing a stageit webcast, June 15, 2013 at 12pm PDT. 15-Jun-2013 07:11:10

grace - RE: Adam Green and Binki Shapiro 08-Jun-2013 23:19:20
              grace - Er, I posted individual videos from a playlist that includes all tracks from the album 08-Jun-2013 23:34:00
                           Jason Parry - I love this album 09-Jun-2013 13:22:42
                                        grace - Thanks, Jason! I knew you'd like them ;) 09-Jun-2013 17:41:58
                                                     Jason Parry - He played a solo set with 'Pity Love' 12-Jun-2013 11:57:39
                                                                  grace - That sounds like a great show! 12-Jun-2013 18:29:52
                                                                               the other Gary - Video of Adam Green at Amoeba Music from 2008 16-Jun-2013 07:02:37

The other Gary - Kris Angelis sings songs on an online actor's chat show. 04-Jun-2013 17:02:46
              The other Gary - Ugh! Kris had to cancel her appearance. 04-Jun-2013 17:07:36
                           The other Gary - Website is crazy, Kris Angelis did appear and it's viewable. 05-Jun-2013 00:12:04

grace - For everyone who loves indie pop and free downloads :) 03-Jun-2013 18:08:01
              Steverino - I really like this guy's music! Thanks for the tip, Grace. 12-Jun-2013 14:50:45
                           grace - You're welcome, Steverino. Glad you like it. :) 15-Jun-2013 17:33:44
              grace - A tiny correction, the downloads are actually "name your price" 15-Jun-2013 17:43:42

Cara - Matt & Kim 01-Jun-2013 09:11:42
              grace - 8tracks is also good for finding artists 02-Jun-2013 15:58:27

Linda J - Hi, All... Anyone listening to "How To Destroy Angels" ?? ;O) ...... 24-May-2013 19:25:30

The other Gary - Live dates for Karmina in Paris and Tel-Aviv. 21-May-2013 07:46:59

Corrsgirl1 - Holly Conlan 18-May-2013 09:27:11
              Corrsgirl1 - oww nooo the pic is waaayy to big. Can I still edit it? 18-May-2013 09:28:54
                           Cara - You can't - but a moderator can. I've made it a bit smaller for you. :-) 18-May-2013 22:28:54
                                        Corrsgirl1 - thanks 19-May-2013 09:31:55
                                                     The other Gary - Holly Conlan is based here in Los Angeles. 20-May-2013 10:24:13
                                                                  Corrsgirl1 - Thanks for the info. I love Holly's music but don't really know anything about her or the people around her. 22-May-2013 13:08:50
                                                                               The other Gary - I might see Holly at Room 5 next week. 29-May-2013 10:16:29
                                                                                            Corrsgirl1 - Let me/us know how Holly's performance was if you end up going! I'm going to look up 30-May-2013 07:50:51

Rick T. - Saw Lisa Loeb in concert last week. 14-May-2013 19:13:40
              Corrsgirl1 - Sounds like you had a great concert! 16-May-2013 20:14:25
              SteveW - I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Lisa Loeb, but I've always thought "Stay" was a great song 18-May-2013 00:11:22
                           The other Gary - A factoid about Suzanne Vega. 20-May-2013 10:17:53

Cara - I could use some more AOTM suggestions. ;-) 10-May-2013 21:55:51
              Corrsgirl1 - Holly Conlan! 11-May-2013 08:08:44
              Rick T. - I'd never heard of ZZ Ward, or Holly Conlan, before. 14-May-2013 15:32:35
                           The other Gary - Hmm...I never noticed Meiko sounded like Holly Conlan before. 20-May-2013 10:49:32
              Linda J - HOLLY COLE !!! ...please... ;O) 17-May-2013 21:47:48
                           Cara - We did Holly Cole - back in February. ;-) 17-May-2013 22:30:33
                                        Linda J - no way? :Oo ...I missed it then.. ;O) 24-May-2013 19:18:33
                                        Linda J - btw, ..that link took me to the long night song page..don't really know what that is? ;O) 24-May-2013 19:21:22
                                                     Cara - Oops - sorry. Must have pasted the wrong link. :-$ 24-May-2013 21:43:31

Rick T. - About Deanna Devore... 05-May-2013 06:19:31

Corrsgirl1 - posting this on OT cause it's not Corrs news but I am so happy to be fan otm :D 03-May-2013 13:48:39
              Cara - You're welcome! Thanks for your contributions here! :-) 03-May-2013 14:51:41
                           Corrsgirl1 - It's nice to know I'm not the only one saving a screenshot of this memorable moment :D 03-May-2013 20:04:31
                                        Rick T. - A hearty congratulations to you, Corrsgirl1! 05-May-2013 04:21:14

Rick T. - So glad you posted the Tori Kelly vid right now, Cara. :) 28-Apr-2013 15:36:59
              The other Gary - Back in February Meiko mentioned Tori. 30-Apr-2013 06:45:15
                           Rick T. - That's pretty cool that Meiko's a fan of Tori, Gary! 05-May-2013 04:28:21
              SteveW - That's an impressive cover of PYT 04-May-2013 02:52:47
                           Rick T. - Glad to hear you liked Tori, Steve! 05-May-2013 04:53:42
                                        Rick T. - Tori Kelly's "Webisode 1" 05-May-2013 17:05:21

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