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Steverino - Revolver, 'Pop de chambre' (chamber-pop) group from Paris 23-Nov-2014 03:55:32
              SteveW - Interesting, quirky songs with nice harmonies 27-Nov-2014 03:49:31
                           Steverino - Grateful for the good observations, Steve. 28-Nov-2014 07:14:30

nightcat - About Barbie Almalbis 19-Nov-2014 05:16:13
              SteveW - AOTM: I liked the crisp, bright sound of this song by Barbie Almalbis 21-Nov-2014 04:00:06
                           Steverino - As I told you on Twitter, Nightcat, I enjoy your AOTM song selection! 23-Nov-2014 02:09:29
              SteveW - Found a nice live version of the AOTM featured song 21-Nov-2014 04:45:39
                           nightcat - I love it when you get technical about music, as someone who's zero on that haha. 21-Nov-2014 09:20:38
                           Terry2 - To sweep or not to sweep that is the question. 22-Nov-2014 17:32:32
                                        SteveW - Terry2, thanks for the very informative post on guitar technique 24-Nov-2014 05:15:40
                                                     Terry2 - Sweeping & polishing. 26-Nov-2014 00:54:33
                                                                  SteveW - Hammer-on and pull-off, transposing pianos, Corrs road gear, etc. 30-Nov-2014 02:48:08
                                                                               StPaddy - Here´s a little tech-talk interview with Jim conducted by Australian Musician Magazine in 1997 30-Nov-2014 17:23:22
                                                                               Terry2 - Hammering! 10-Dec-2014 10:59:15
                                                                                            SteveW - Irving Berlin's piano 15-Dec-2014 00:57:25

Steverino - Irish “plinky plonk rock” artist Lisa Hannigan 09-Nov-2014 06:36:13
              Corrsgirl1 - I don't know is a nice, relaxing song 11-Nov-2014 11:29:33
                           Steverino - You're welcome, Corrsgirl. Glad I could introduce you (+ some on John Smith) 23-Nov-2014 02:21:52

Corrsgirl1 - So happy to see the lovely alan as AOTM, some info here: 02-Nov-2014 12:37:09
              SteveW - AOTM: I liked this song -- very dramatic and cinematic, full of grand sweeping moments 03-Nov-2014 03:58:29
                           Corrsgirl1 - The song that Cara posted is Kuon no Kawa 03-Nov-2014 13:22:09
                                        SteveW - It was interesting to hear the song sung in both its Japanese and Chinese versions 08-Nov-2014 12:21:35
                                                     Corrsgirl1 - I think it's the language that sounds a bit 'easier' to listen too 10-Nov-2014 22:55:51
                                        Steverino - She has a very beautiful voice. 10-Nov-2014 05:12:57
                                                     Corrsgirl1 - She was on X Factor after her Japanese career already took off 10-Nov-2014 23:09:45
                                                                  Corrsgirl1 - Correction 10-Nov-2014 23:15:24

nightcat - Oh dear, my latest AOTM got featured and I didn't even notice. 02-Nov-2014 06:28:46

Cara - Terry put John Gaughan forward for AOTM - good choice! He sent this little write-up in the email he sent: 17-Oct-2014 19:18:42
              Steverino - Thanks, Terry! Additional context re John Gaughan (for those of us who didn't watch TVOI) 19-Oct-2014 16:48:56
                           Corranga - He is very good, for me, his set backing Sharon was let down only by the 2 covers! 21-Oct-2014 15:25:16

Cara - Sticking with the Outlander AOTM theme - Bear McCreary is doing the score for the series. 03-Oct-2014 21:10:59
              Cara - *various episodes that is... (Excuse my typos - I'm posting from my phone ;-)) 04-Oct-2014 01:50:18
              SteveW - AOTM: The video wasn‘t available in the US, but I found it elsewhere on youtube 04-Oct-2014 10:20:52
                           Cara - Oops! Sorry about the video! Surprising really as it's being produced by Starz & I usually have trouble 04-Oct-2014 22:46:38

Bea_HC - Does anyone know about any European websites in general similar to this one? 30-Sep-2014 11:38:27

Cara - Skippinish 26-Sep-2014 20:20:33
              Cara - P.S. I have no recommendations from anyone to use. ;-) 26-Sep-2014 20:22:50
                           Steverino - Cara, for my part, the feature has been a great success. 27-Sep-2014 16:26:00
                           SteveW - I like having the AOTM and have discovered quite a few artists I‘ve liked 04-Oct-2014 10:26:03
              Steverino - I enjoyed the video by Skipinnish. 03-Oct-2014 07:28:22

Cara - Information about Haim from CorrsGirl1 19-Sep-2014 20:56:59
              Corrsgirl1 - jeeeuujj for Haim! I love them 21-Sep-2014 15:11:53
                           Cara - No problem! :-) 21-Sep-2014 15:24:32
              Steverino - HAIM came up as a topic a few months ago here. I like them! 22-Sep-2014 07:29:13
                           Corrsgirl1 - Loved reading what you wrote Steverino 22-Sep-2014 15:04:44

grace - Alt-J's new album is out on Sept 22--but you can listen to it NOW! 17-Sep-2014 00:57:57
              grace - URLs :) 17-Sep-2014 01:03:01

SteveW - AOTM: Wow, that was pretty cool. I've never seen anything like that before. 14-Sep-2014 02:29:00
              Cara - Glad you enjoyed it! I thought it was very cool when I first saw it! 19-Sep-2014 20:54:59

Corrsgirl1 - AOTM: Haim 12-Sep-2014 19:19:50
              Cara - Can you make sure you email me with the links etc. as well? Then we'll definitely feature them! 13-Sep-2014 05:47:49
                           Corrsgirl1 - Oops totally forgot I need to email about that, sorry! 13-Sep-2014 09:40:58

Corrsgirl1 - Viola Smith female drummer bron in 1929 12-Sep-2014 19:17:31

SteveW - AOTM: Alfred Hitchcock 05-Sep-2014 22:35:56
              IrishHeart - I'm a Hitchcock fan too 06-Sep-2014 18:21:53
                           Steverino - I'm a fan of Hitch, too; I just watched NORTH BY NORTHWEST little over a month ago 06-Sep-2014 22:44:03
                                        nightcat - I found out about Hitchcock from my being a fan of Grace Kelly. 09-Sep-2014 10:03:38
              grace - Oooh... 'Rope' is also really good! 15-Sep-2014 09:21:03

Steverino - Swallows and Amazons - 40th Anniversary Digitally Remastered DVD 30-Aug-2014 05:51:28
              SteveW - That‘s great that you picked a film. My next choice (already sent to Cara) is from the film world, too. 30-Aug-2014 10:38:49

Cara - AOTM Bruce Hornsby Information 29-Aug-2014 11:12:09
              SteveW - I wouldn‘t necessarily say I‘m a fan, but I‘ve always liked Bruce Hornsby 30-Aug-2014 10:35:17

SteveW - AOTM: I'm Gonna Fly 23-Aug-2014 18:11:06
              Steverino - Thanks for shining the AOTM spotlight on Amy Grant. 24-Aug-2014 20:07:19
                           SteveW - Steverino, thanks for your reply and insightful (as always) thoughts 25-Aug-2014 04:31:57
                                        Steverino - Thank you for the listening suggestions from her more recent work. 30-Aug-2014 05:53:35

Steverino - For the First Aid Kit fans among us... 23-Aug-2014 17:38:02

Cara - This is the last on the list of "Artists You Should Have Known in 2013". 15-Aug-2014 21:06:50
              Terry2 - AOTM 17-Aug-2014 00:02:12
                           SteveW - I like having the AOTM as well, even if I don't always reply to them 17-Aug-2014 01:26:17
                                        nightcat - I got 2 AOTM suggestions in mind, which one of em to put forward first... 17-Aug-2014 06:06:08
                                                     Cara - You can always just send them both at the same time. ;-) 17-Aug-2014 19:07:45
                                                                  grace - That's how I exhausted all my AOTM suggestions lol 15-Sep-2014 09:28:03

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