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Rick T. - About Deanna Devore... 05-May-2013 06:19:31

Corrsgirl1 - posting this on OT cause it's not Corrs news but I am so happy to be fan otm :D 03-May-2013 13:48:39
              Cara - You're welcome! Thanks for your contributions here! :-) 03-May-2013 14:51:41
                           Corrsgirl1 - It's nice to know I'm not the only one saving a screenshot of this memorable moment :D 03-May-2013 20:04:31
                                        Rick T. - A hearty congratulations to you, Corrsgirl1! 05-May-2013 04:21:14

Rick T. - So glad you posted the Tori Kelly vid right now, Cara. :) 28-Apr-2013 15:36:59
              The other Gary - Back in February Meiko mentioned Tori. 30-Apr-2013 06:45:15
                           Rick T. - That's pretty cool that Meiko's a fan of Tori, Gary! 05-May-2013 04:28:21
              SteveW - That's an impressive cover of PYT 04-May-2013 02:52:47
                           Rick T. - Glad to hear you liked Tori, Steve! 05-May-2013 04:53:42
                                        Rick T. - Tori Kelly's "Webisode 1" 05-May-2013 17:05:21

Steverino - New album out from Frances Black 28-Apr-2013 01:02:10
              The other Gary - Wow! I thought Francis kind of retired. 30-Apr-2013 06:57:44
                           Steverino - Gary, I'll take it that you meant well with that reply. :O) 01-May-2013 08:30:34
                                        The other Gary - No offense towards Francis Black. 20-May-2013 09:54:06

SteveW - Here's another original piece -- this one is more of a song, with an actual melody :-) 17-Apr-2013 12:08:04
              SteveW - whoops, fixed the link 17-Apr-2013 12:09:23
                           Steverino - Well done, Steve! Good springtime music. 27-Apr-2013 22:32:11
                                        Rick T. - Very beautiful piece, there, Steve W.! 28-Apr-2013 19:31:13
                                                     SteveW - Appalachian Spring, Kitaro, etc. 01-May-2013 03:44:10

nightcat - He Is We 15-Apr-2013 13:45:07
              Cara - Opps - sorry. You told me that when you sent in the recommendation. *blushes* 15-Apr-2013 22:07:20
              SteveW - Love this song -- been listening to it all day 16-Apr-2013 01:29:30
                           SteveW - Still completely addicted to this song after one week 20-Apr-2013 16:50:49
                                        SteveW - P.S. Timings in my previous post refer to the original video, not the live version 20-Apr-2013 16:54:54
                                                     nightcat - After reading your thoughts I have to say glad you liked it and 20-Apr-2013 20:02:37
                                                                  nightcat - Just why did I remember now they did a StageIt show around a week ago? 21-Apr-2013 20:42:37
                                                                               SteveW - Thanks for posting this, nightcat 24-Apr-2013 23:20:54

Rick T. - Attended a live studio taping of Shiny Toy Guns for JBTV, today! 11-Apr-2013 06:04:09
              SteveW - Rick, sounds like an awesome experience -- almost like having your own private STG show 16-Apr-2013 01:24:13
                           Rick T. - LOL! I'd actually never seen that clip before. 28-Apr-2013 18:40:23

Cara - RE: Mree (Info from Rick - via Wikipedia) 06-Apr-2013 02:54:59
              Corrsgirl1 - The song posted about is beautiful! 06-Apr-2013 08:38:26
                           nightcat - Wow the song sounds dreamy and so is the video! I'm in love. 06-Apr-2013 13:09:16
                                        Rick T. - I only discovered Mree recently... 07-Apr-2013 00:29:27
              SteveW - Nice song -- the word 'haunting' comes to mind... 07-Apr-2013 02:56:26
                           keejac21 - I think I was afloat while listening to her. 12-Apr-2013 00:42:36
                                        The other Gary - To address Rick T. comment, I'd never heard of Mree until you brought her up. 20-May-2013 10:11:46

Jason Parry - Rilo Kiley 01-Apr-2013 21:03:06
              Steverino - Thanks for the tip, Jason. This is excellent music. 03-Apr-2013 15:09:28
              grace - I like their sound. Thanks Jason! 07-Apr-2013 20:55:15

dave - Has anyone been watching The Big Reunion on ITV2 - I find it interesting 30-Mar-2013 18:19:59
              Corrsgirl1 - The Corrs are mentioned 31-Mar-2013 15:08:52
                           dave - That Corrs / B*witched thing was quite common back in the 90s - people who were not 31-Mar-2013 19:16:27
                                        nightcat - As someone who grew up listening to some of these groups,I have to watch this now. 01-Apr-2013 04:37:26
                                                     Corranga - As someone who grew up trying to avoid listening to some of these groups, I'm adopting a business as usual approach ;) 03-Apr-2013 19:49:42
                                                                  nightcat - Lol Corranga ;) 04-Apr-2013 09:03:02
                                                                  Linda J - ;O) ;O) 20-Apr-2013 23:02:27
              CSCfan - Watched a few clips & performances and wow! What a great concept! It was... 08-Apr-2013 21:54:32

Steverino - The return of a well-loved voice: Mary Dillon's album NORTH 30-Mar-2013 07:14:28
              Steverino - In 2008, Mary and Déanta reunited briefly for a TV program: BBC's Blas Ceoil. 30-Mar-2013 08:48:28
                           Rick T. - It's amazing to me that both Cara and Mary are such wonderful singers, yet... 31-Mar-2013 04:09:44
                                        Steverino - Yes, that came as a surprise to me as well! 31-Mar-2013 21:19:07

Rick T. - Please vote for Chelsea Williams on! 28-Mar-2013 05:12:07
              Steverino - I just voted for Chelsea for my third night in a row. :-) 30-Mar-2013 05:58:07
                           Rick T. - Thank you, Steve! I know Chelsea appreciates the support. :) 30-Mar-2013 07:18:44

Steverino - Laura Jansen 26-Mar-2013 05:48:52
              Corrsgirl1 - Thanks for making a topic about her! You put so much work into it. 26-Mar-2013 11:23:30
                           Rick T. - REALLY liked this performance and song of Laura Jansen's! 28-Mar-2013 05:26:36
                                        The other Gary - Does Laura still live in Los Angeles? 29-Mar-2013 07:34:05
                                                     Corrsgirl1 - I think she still.. 29-Mar-2013 12:29:34
                           Steverino - You're welcome. Thanks for the suggestion! :-) 30-Mar-2013 05:49:48

The other Gary - Diane Birch is doing a stageit show at 2 pm PDT today. 24-Mar-2013 08:14:49
              The other Gary - Really a good show and I noticed at least one member of this board. 25-Mar-2013 07:54:22
                           Rick T. - Yes, Diane's stageit show was excellent. :) 26-Mar-2013 00:57:42
                           Steverino - After finishing my yardwork, I went to the site twenty minutes after the concert... 26-Mar-2013 06:39:23
                                        Rick T. - Actually, the suggested donation was $5.00, not $50.00... 28-Mar-2013 22:15:10
                                                     Steverino - So THAT'S what they meant by "notes" - yes, it would have made a difference. 30-Mar-2013 08:33:56
                                                                  Rick T. - Haha! That's one of my favorite moments from Diane's episode of LFDH. 31-Mar-2013 03:30:48
                                                                               Steverino - Thank you, Rick! I just downloaded it. 02-Apr-2013 04:54:31

SteveW - really off-topic 21-Mar-2013 22:44:59
              StPaddy - Nice, Steve! Pat Metheny would have fun with this, too! :) 21-Mar-2013 22:57:34
              Steverino - That's a good job, Steve! 23-Mar-2013 05:17:07
                           SteveW - Thanks for the kind replies, guys. (And Michael -- a drumming question for you or our other drummers) 23-Mar-2013 23:00:39
                                        Rick T. - Nice job on the composition, Steve. I didn't realize you composed music, although it shouldn't surprise me. ;-) 24-Mar-2013 06:25:20
                                                     SteveW - Thanks, Cara and Rick! 26-Mar-2013 03:02:14
                                                                  Rick T. - You're welcome, Steve. 26-Mar-2013 03:35:56
              Cara - Very cool!! :-) I like it. 24-Mar-2013 03:27:20
              grace - That was really good, Steve! 07-Apr-2013 21:01:47
                           SteveW - Thanks, Grace! 08-Apr-2013 13:45:50

Steverino - If you like the Byrds, Beach Boys, Beatles: a free download of a brilliant album by Andrew Gold 17-Mar-2013 05:14:38
              SteveW - I didn't know Andrew Gold was the son of Marni Nixon 17-Mar-2013 08:54:36
              Terry2 - Andrew Gold 17-Mar-2013 16:31:23
                           The other Gary - Keep on posting Steverino! 19-Mar-2013 08:25:52
                                        SteveW - Credit for pointing out the Andrew Gold/Marni Nixon relationship should go to Steverino (not me) 19-Mar-2013 16:27:16
                           Steverino - Graham Gouldman is a songwriting genius! 19-Mar-2013 22:58:46

Steverino - Irish Indie-folk singer, Lisa Hannigan 17-Mar-2013 00:33:43
              Steverino - Additional music/info on Lisa H. 20-Mar-2013 03:15:54
                           Rick T. - Iliff had turned me onto Lisa's music several years ago. 26-Mar-2013 01:32:18
                                        Steverino - I heard her talk about that "Knots" video and getting sprayed with paint. 26-Mar-2013 06:19:23

SteveW - Silverado 16-Mar-2013 09:34:33
              Steverino - Good that we put the spotlight on some film music 16-Mar-2013 18:14:30

Jerry - New Agnetha Fältskog video 15-Mar-2013 21:08:04
              Steverino - That is fantastic news about Agnetha! It's been too long since her last album. 16-Mar-2013 22:02:21
              Linda J - new album coming in May.. ;O) 25-Mar-2013 01:23:29
                           Rick T. - This is great! I'm so glad to know that Agnetha is still singing. 26-Mar-2013 01:08:39
                                        Linda J - Nice thoughts, Rick.. mine exactly.. although, wishing Frida would sing again.. ;O) ... 26-Mar-2013 20:44:55
                           Jerry - And it gets a four-star review 27-Apr-2013 00:49:06
                                        SteveW - There was an interview yesterday in the New York Times with Agnetha 06-May-2013 11:43:23
              Corrpulent - The car the fellow is packing at the end is a Volvo 240 station wagon... 08-May-2013 03:18:14
                           Cara - Random only sort of related question (because I was talking about this with someone the other day...) 08-May-2013 08:01:09
                                        StPaddy - The Wikipedia definition is pretty much it. 08-May-2013 08:18:29
                                                     Cara - So - of the following images - are they all station wagons or only some of them? 08-May-2013 08:45:12
                                                                  StPaddy - They all are, Cara. :) 08-May-2013 10:12:38
                                                                               Cara - Thanks for humoring me and answering! ;-) 08-May-2013 10:54:30
                                                                                            StPaddy - Cara 1 - Marc 0 08-May-2013 11:07:47
                                                                                                         Cara - *lol* I'm sure there will be plenty! ;-) 08-May-2013 11:08:29
                                                                                                                      StPaddy - Nothing easier than that, right? :) 08-May-2013 11:36:40
                                                                                                                                   Cara - Probably not so I'd better take it while I can! ;-) 08-May-2013 12:42:37
                                                                                            Corrpulent - My idea of a station wagon was the same as Marc's... 08-May-2013 16:20:53
                                                                                                         SteveW - I think I agree with Corrpulent and Marc 08-May-2013 21:04:54
                                                                                                         Cara - Thanks Corrpulent and Steve. (Although I was thinking about joking... 13-May-2013 14:12:07

eclair - Picturehouse are back with Jay Duffy 12-Mar-2013 23:04:17
              Steverino - Thank you for the info on Jason! 16-Mar-2013 21:57:57

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