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CarolineInspiredMeToDrum - going to see boyce Avenue next month. Great choice for AOTM. their covers are amazing 30-May-2012 20:12:09
              Cara - I've just been listening to them today. 30-May-2012 23:01:42
                           ocean - *likes* 03-Jun-2012 08:08:28

Cara - Thanks for the AOTM suggestion Rick! 20-May-2012 03:38:32
              grace - One of those moments when you look for a 'like' button :) 20-May-2012 06:42:37
                           CarolineInspiredMeToDrum - Great choice, I agree 21-May-2012 16:02:49
                                        SteveW - Agree with CarolineInspiredMeToDrum and Steverino -- great job, Cara. 22-May-2012 00:49:34
              Steverino - Rick picks another winner! He introduced me to the Pierces late last year. 22-May-2012 04:17:18
                           Rick T. - You're welcome, Cara! Sorry I'm late with my reply, but.... 28-May-2012 18:26:51
                                        Rick T. - Glad to hear you also really like The Pierces, Steve! 28-May-2012 18:34:30
                                                     Rick T. - Sorry, Steve. In my first paragraph in my reply above, I meant to write... 28-May-2012 18:38:33
                                        Cara - Hi Rick! 28-May-2012 19:00:32
                                                     Rick T. - Oh, I see. You're very welcome. :) 28-May-2012 20:08:33

StPaddy - R.I.P. Donna Summers 17-May-2012 19:21:59
              Steverino - Donna Summer was huge in the late 70's and early 80's - from all accounts, a good person. 20-May-2012 07:02:18
              Linda J - She will be missed.. very sad.. :O/ 20-May-2012 23:09:25
                           Steverino - And now Robin Gibb has passed. :( 22-May-2012 05:18:52
                                        Linda J - Yes.. I'd heard about that.. So tragic.. :O/ 24-May-2012 18:13:27
                                                     Rick T. - I was saddened to hear about their passing, both legends in disco. 28-May-2012 19:47:36
                                                                  Rick T. - Oops! So sorry, here are the vids... 28-May-2012 19:52:36

Cara - How are people feeling about the AOTM? I'm kindof thinking maybe a weekly change would be good? 15-May-2012 19:44:19
              Rick T. - I'd say, at most, two weeks would be good. A week may work ok, but let's see how others feel about it. 16-May-2012 03:28:47
                           Rick T. - I've got an idea for AOTM... 16-May-2012 03:41:49
                                        Cara - That's a great idea! :-) I'd actually intended to do that... 16-May-2012 04:32:11
                                                     grace - Oooh.. go for it! 16-May-2012 09:48:03
                                                                  Cara - Will do! And thanks! 16-May-2012 16:05:09
                                                                               Rick T. - Excellent, Cara. Whenever you're able. No hurry, of course. 17-May-2012 17:32:34
                                                                                            Cara - What's your opinion as far as how it's organized? (Everybody!! Not just Rick. ;-)) 17-May-2012 17:40:22
                                                                                                         grace - sounds good to me. :) 18-May-2012 06:08:46
              Steverino - I think it's a great success, Cara - a wonderful invigoration of this board. 20-May-2012 07:09:34
              Brandon - I like the AOTM feature very much... 25-May-2012 08:16:20

CarolineInspiredMeToDrum - HugeLongShot. Any Women within Engineering backgrounds here? 15-May-2012 14:39:14
              Cara - I have a friend who's currently living in the UK (not York though) who has an engineering background. 15-May-2012 15:05:45
                           CarolineInspiredMetoDrum - Cara, that would be very kind of you. yep facebook would be great 15-May-2012 17:20:04
                                        CarolineInspiredMeToDrum - Cara, with regards to Women in Engineering 18-May-2012 15:54:06
                                                     Cara - Okay, I just sent her a message. :-) 18-May-2012 16:43:54
              Cara - Okay - I sent her a message with your FB info. 15-May-2012 17:51:19
              Cara - Also just sent you a message on FB with a bit more info. ;-) Good luck on the paper! 15-May-2012 22:06:47

grace - Yay for the AOTM! thanks Cara! :D 12-May-2012 18:41:07
              grace - I think this may be my fault but the official website link isn't working... 12-May-2012 18:58:06
                           Cara - It works for me... :-/ So I'm not sure exactly what might be going on? 12-May-2012 19:38:16
              Cara - :-) So - here's the question I have about them... 12-May-2012 19:42:51
                           grace - That is strange, I haven't heard any French songs tho. 13-May-2012 04:58:52
                                        grace - hmm... actually there IS a studio version of that song! 14-May-2012 05:21:00
                                                     Cara - Yes - that's the one! I was thinking there was more than one but I've just pulled it up again and I only see that one.. 14-May-2012 19:12:53
                                                                  grace - They're great for singing along while washing the dishes too :) 15-May-2012 08:32:51
                                                                               Cara - Maybe you didn't... I may have just pulled whatever video was featured on their YouTube channel. 15-May-2012 19:43:23
                                                                  grace - Also, i just remembered reading in their official website that they have a label in France called Discograph. 15-May-2012 08:40:47
              Steverino - Good pick, Grace! I hadn't heard of them, but I do like their sound. 13-May-2012 02:03:02
              SteveW - I concur with Steverino -- great pick. 13-May-2012 09:34:18
              Linda J - Not bad, Grace.. Thanks for the suggestion.. I also hadn't heard of them before.. ;O) 14-May-2012 17:14:52
                           grace - Great to see that you guys like them! Looking forward to your suggestions in future AOTMs ;) 15-May-2012 08:36:03
                                        Rick T. - I'm already familiar with them. My pal in Cali. saw them open for Emm Gryner a few years ago. 16-May-2012 03:25:00
                                                     grace - Thanks Rick! That's also a very sweet song and video. :) 16-May-2012 13:34:58

Ramon - Testing. 11-May-2012 02:17:23
              Ramon - It's more of a shocker than anything that I remembered my password for this thing. 11-May-2012 02:19:59
                           Cara - I think the Invision Board stopped recording posts when we switched back to this format. ;-) 11-May-2012 17:22:32
              Ramon - Hello and goodbye! [Sorry for the triple post] 11-May-2012 04:09:58

Cara - Sorry for the delay on the AOTM feature! 09-May-2012 03:08:57
              Linda J - it's all good.. take your time, dear.. ;O) 10-May-2012 23:57:50

Steverino - Remember this place from our Corrs Club meeting in California, Cara? 06-May-2012 01:51:45
              Cara - I do indeed! Beautiful pics from your recent trip as well! I'd love to go back there sometime!! 06-May-2012 02:45:37
              Linda J - very lovely pictures, Steve.. ;O) 10-May-2012 23:56:41
                           Steverino - Thank you, Linda! :-) 13-May-2012 04:58:19

Steverino - Here's one: Swedish pianist, singer and songwriter, Edda Magnason 02-May-2012 06:44:47

Cara - Requesting Submissions!!!! 28-Apr-2012 01:13:48
              Cara - I've gotten a few suggestions already! Thanks very much! Keep them coming! ;-) 30-Apr-2012 04:03:44
                           ocean - ok. where's the the "like" button so i can "like' this post? lol :) 30-Apr-2012 16:01:02
                           Steverino - I'll defer to others on this feature for now. I too often bomb with our audiences here. *lol* 01-May-2012 05:47:14
                                        Cara - I don't think it's bombing... I think it's just that not very many people were visiting the board anymore. ;-) 02-May-2012 03:30:02
                                        Linda J - I'm with Steve on this one also.. LoL!! ..but, happy to see some new features.. ;O) 02-May-2012 16:05:05
                                                     Cara - ;-) I think the other difficulty for busy people was the sort of overwhelming *amount* of recommendations... 02-May-2012 16:21:12
                                                                  Steverino - Not meaning to spark controversy or anything, but let me see if I understand what you mean. 03-May-2012 05:03:14
                                                                               Cara - DEFINITELY NOT!!! But thank you very much for bringing it up! Because if it sounded that way I want to clarify.... 03-May-2012 16:45:57
                                                                                            Steverino - Yes, that clears it up. Thanks, and sorry for my misunderstanding. 04-May-2012 02:54:39
                                                                                                         Cara - Don't worry about it! Misunderstandings happen - especially when all you have is written posts. ;-) 04-May-2012 05:13:41
                                                                                                                      Cara - It's being able to have a respectful dialogue to fix them that's important! ;-) Which we did well! ;-) 04-May-2012 05:16:56
                                                                                                         Cara - As far as being busy... It's definitely been an interesting... (Trying to remember when I started the Masters... :-P) 04-May-2012 19:28:36
                                                                                                                      Steverino - Aw! He's really cute! I think he's smiling about his 'special time' with you (@ dog class). 06-May-2012 01:17:00
                                                                                                                                   Cara - Naw, he's just smiling because he's a happy dog. ;-) He's my sweet little guy. :-) 06-May-2012 02:44:32
                                                                                                                      Linda J - Chip is so cute.. ;O) 10-May-2012 23:59:00
                                                                                                                                   Cara - Thanks! ;-) I am of course very fond of him. ;-) 11-May-2012 01:13:38
                                                                                                                                   Linda J - ;O) 13-May-2012 00:56:05
              Cara - Also - most people seem to want to "claim" their suggestions so I'm changing my 'rule' for the anonymous bit... 30-Apr-2012 17:05:31
                           Maureen - Well maybe you can make an App for the OTBoard, then I can read all the new posts on my I-phone ;o) 06-May-2012 08:39:11
                                        Cara - Does it not work on the iPhone? It works on my Android... 06-May-2012 14:22:46
                                                     Steverino - I posted this with my iPhone - yes it works 08-May-2012 05:02:30
                                                                  Maureen - Yeah it works but I meant something like a pop-up ;) 08-May-2012 20:42:25
                                                                               Cara - I know. ;-) But I don't think there's any chance of getting someone to program that anytime soon. ;-P 08-May-2012 21:05:02

Cara - Hey everyone! :-) 21-Apr-2012 20:33:12
              ocean - oh, can't wait to see the changes, Cara 23-Apr-2012 15:27:33
                           Cara - *lol* Probably not a "like" button... Although I've wished for one here a couple of times myself! 23-Apr-2012 16:09:16
                                        grace - Yay for the new VOTM! That 'like' button should come in handy here :) 26-Apr-2012 14:29:04
              ryan - awesome i can't wait :) thanks for your continued efforts. i know i said i will be back more often. i will soon. 27-Apr-2012 20:01:57
              Steverino - OMG! It's finally gone. I can't believe it. Thanks, Cara! 28-Apr-2012 03:28:18
                           Cara - You're welcome! ;-) 28-Apr-2012 03:41:21
                           Linda J - Wow.. I'm so glad to see it gone also.. woo hoo! thank you, my dear.. ;O) ... 28-Apr-2012 19:45:17
                                        Steverino - Hey Linda, did you get tickets to see Roxette in Vancouver on Sept. 12? 28-Apr-2012 22:02:34
                                                     Steverino - Some clips from the Roxette show this past Tuesday in Argentina. 28-Apr-2012 22:21:35
                                                                  corranga - I'm really liking some Roxette right now, I loved the Crash Boom Bang album when it was released 29-Apr-2012 22:26:32
                                                     Linda J - Hi Steve.. I'd love to go.. but, its on a week night, & hubby doesn't seem to keen.. :O/ ... 29-Apr-2012 17:32:51
                                                                  Steverino - Too bad, but I do know how that is. 29-Apr-2012 18:30:16
                                                                               Linda J - Yes.. Take the opportunity while you have it, for sure, Steve.. ;O) ......... 30-Apr-2012 00:27:11
                                                     Linda J - Thanks for the clips.. very nice! ;O) 29-Apr-2012 17:34:03
              Caroline - Hi Cara. Thank you for taking care of the OT board. I am looking forward to the changes. 29-Apr-2012 20:37:54
                           Maureen - Hi Cara, (and the others hehe) hope you can bring back the old times here ;o) 06-May-2012 08:37:43
                                        Linda J - ;O) ;O) ;O) 10-May-2012 23:55:13

The other Gary - Planning on anything for St. Patrick's Day? 14-Mar-2012 23:35:39
              Cara - I just realized today that it's St. Paddy's this weekend. 15-Mar-2012 02:38:09
                           nightcat - Nothing much here either 15-Mar-2012 12:44:00
                                        nightcat - ok it is celebrated here,but mostly in a religious-ish way 17-Mar-2012 02:32:51
              MAH - I'm going to the pub... there'll be music and Ireland are playing England in the 6 nations .... hmmm .... ..... 16-Mar-2012 23:21:06
                           The other Gary - Irish recipes. 17-Mar-2012 20:06:21
              Linda J - I was in Hawaii on that day.. ;O) 30-Mar-2012 17:13:58
                           Cara - Lucky you! ;-) Hope it was fabulous!! 30-Mar-2012 21:26:25

Cara - Just finished a big project at work... And now am kindof out of work! :-P 08-Mar-2012 21:48:05
              Carolineinspiredmetodrum - I envy you! 08-Mar-2012 22:06:23
                           Cara - Sorry to hear that your week isn't going well! :-( 09-Mar-2012 00:37:04
                                        Maureen - Ehm.....I think I bought a house an hour ago. How are you doing Cara? 16-Mar-2012 14:46:37
                                                     Cara - Yay!! Congrats on the house! 16-Mar-2012 14:53:15
                                                     Linda J - Congrats, my dear.. ;O) 30-Mar-2012 17:17:16
              Linda J - I just had an awesome 2 weeks on the Hawaiian Isle of Kauai.. ;O) 30-Mar-2012 17:16:13

queenoftheroad - I can't even remember the last time i've posted on the OT-board, but today I thought of something that's very dear to me 04-Mar-2012 09:10:36
              Cara - You definitely have a lot of cool stuff! :-) Thanks for sharing it here! :-) 04-Mar-2012 14:48:18
                           corranga - That's awesome! I'm an unfocussed collector, toy Ferraris then Corrs CDs, then anything Corrs 05-Mar-2012 22:05:11
                                        queenoftheroad - Thanks guys! @ Chris; focussed collector or not, you still got great taste! :-) Anything Corrs is always a good thing an 14-Mar-2012 12:17:35

The other Gary - 03-Mar-2012 08:04:52
              Cara - Interesting idea. I've never heard of it... But it's a really interesting thought/idea. 04-Mar-2012 03:37:41
                           The other Gary - Stageit link describing the idea. 06-Mar-2012 06:23:13

CarolineInspiredMeToDrum - Boyce Avenue: Birmingham 16 June 2012 26-Feb-2012 22:50:08
              The other Gary - You faked me out...I had no idea they were from Florida. 27-Feb-2012 07:00:08
              ocean - i love them. i downloaded around 30 of their videos. 02-Mar-2012 16:38:27

The other Gary - Meiko's live show at Saint Rocke is going to be streamed live tonight. 09-Feb-2012 05:23:59

The other Gary - Livestream of Diane Birch's Joe's Pub set from Jan. 30, 2012 03-Feb-2012 07:43:08

The other Gary - U.K. singer Rumer is touring the states. 20-Jan-2012 07:31:01
              The other Gary - I just saw Rumer perform and she's a wonderful singer. 25-Jan-2012 09:00:27
                           Cara - She'll be here next week. Too bad it's a night that I can't make it. :-( 25-Jan-2012 15:12:16
                                        The other Gary - I had hoped Steverino went to see her in San Francisco. 29-Jan-2012 06:16:25
                                                     Cara - *lol* Well, I really do wish I could go! It's just a very bad night. ;-) 30-Jan-2012 17:01:37
                                                                  The other Gary - CBS Sunday Morning did a piece on Rumer. 03-Feb-2012 06:53:44
                                                                               Jason Parry - I saw her purely by chance 14-Feb-2012 22:11:43
                                                                                            The other Gary - Thanks for the comment Jason. 27-Feb-2012 07:02:12
                                                     Steverino - Really love Rumer! I have some signed CD singles. 28-Apr-2012 21:42:41
                                                                  Steverino - Second Rumer album about to be released 22-May-2012 06:31:36

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