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Baxterianism - CorrsCast - Episode 6 - Interview with Basia Zamorska 07-Mar-2022 08:35:44
              JohnLnyc - Another fascinating interview 08-Mar-2022 01:09:45
                           Baxterianism - Thank you so very much for taking the time to appreciate and listen. Your feedback is really encouraging. 08-Mar-2022 17:13:20
              SteveW - Enjoyed learning about an aspect of the music business that I know nothing about 08-Mar-2022 04:21:13
                           Baxterianism - I was apprehensive about sharing this side of the project but I'm now very glad… 08-Mar-2022 17:15:29
                                        Johnlnyc - That amazing photography 09-Mar-2022 00:10:51
              Wendy - The wooden ball 11-Mar-2022 10:37:03
                           Baxterianism - The next episode gives more background to why and how it was used including its visual purpose… 11-Mar-2022 20:17:03

Terry2 - Sharon UK gigs 28-Feb-2022 13:34:33
              SteveW - Sharon's gigs with Jeff Beck 01-Mar-2022 00:35:39

SteveW - Sharon's solo versions of some Corrs songs from her recent gigs 27-Feb-2022 11:58:34

Mark - "I Don't Know" by the Corrs 15-Feb-2022 22:10:19
              Baxterianism - Check out the latest CorrsCast episode for an in depth look at the recoding and listen to episode 3… 15-Feb-2022 23:02:56

Wendy - Caroline Corr on The Late Late Show Eurosong 2022 Special... 06-Feb-2022 11:25:07
              AB_CLOSER - Caroline's Official Instagram 06-Feb-2022 15:08:37
              Mark - Excellent! Here's a screenshot... 15-Feb-2022 19:13:38
                           Mark - I guess I can't embed the image... let's try a link... 15-Feb-2022 19:25:22
                                        Mark - Seems like that worked. Sorry for the mess! 15-Feb-2022 19:27:46

Baxterianism - CorrsCast - Episode 5 - Interview with David Reitzas 31-Jan-2022 07:27:51
              JohnLnyc - Corrscast 31-Jan-2022 16:37:59
                           Baxterianism - Thank you so much… 31-Jan-2022 18:46:50
              SteveW - Brilliant! Enjoyed hearing the story behind the time signature shift in Runaway 02-Feb-2022 21:54:01
                           Baxterianism - I remember you asking about this choice months back and was so glad this had already been covered. 03-Feb-2022 14:55:33
                           Wendy - I love that part too! Listening to the story behind it made my day... 04-Feb-2022 11:44:10
                                        Baxterianism - It's lovely and has made my day to think that listening back has helped you. The song at 41:20 is... 04-Feb-2022 13:04:00
                                                     Wendy - Thank you! It's amazing to hear the whole tune after all these years!... 05-Feb-2022 02:00:37
                                                     SteveW - I love this performance of Carraroe Jig 05-Feb-2022 07:37:56
                                                                  Baxterianism - It really does have such a freedom about it. This audio was taken from a video of the session which should be … 05-Feb-2022 08:10:16
                                                                               Wendy - Historic video! So excited! 05-Feb-2022 12:30:11
                                                                  Wendy - "Tiger Woods playing miniature golf" - haha! 05-Feb-2022 12:29:38
              Mark - This was great... thanks so much for sharing. 15-Feb-2022 18:32:45
                           Mark - Hey, I think I found the video of Simon Phillips mentioned in the interview 15-Feb-2022 21:59:59
                                        Baxterianism - Glad you enjoyed! The video mentioned in the show notes and the one you’ve linked to is a previously… 15-Feb-2022 23:24:31

CorrMac - Members Sudden Death 02-Jan-2022 22:10:37
              neleh - RIP Mike. May his memory be a blessing. 03-Jan-2022 02:40:17
              SteveW - Margot, sincere condolences for your loss. Thank you for letting us know. 03-Jan-2022 06:04:41
              MentariS - Thank you for letting us know, Margot. I am very sorry for your loss—he brought so much joy to this fanbase 04-Jan-2022 03:05:03
              Baxterianism - Thank you for your bravery in passing this news onto us. Feel free to reach out if you need anything 05-Jan-2022 08:23:06
              mark - So sorry for your loss. :( 07-Jan-2022 18:57:39
              Steverino - Very sad news. I wish comfort to Margot and Mike's family and friends. 08-Jan-2022 21:00:35
              Corranga - Oh Margot, thanks for logging in to this little corner of the internet to let us know 14-Jan-2022 08:36:09
              CSCfan - Terrible news :( Tnx for informing us Margot! May he rest in peace.. 22-Jan-2022 14:12:58
              Mark - I'm so sorry... please accept my condolences 29-Jul-2022 16:32:44

Corranga - Happy New Year everyone! I know it’s pretty quiet around here, but thank you all for all of your contributions 01-Jan-2022 00:34:12
              AB_CLOSER - Feliz año nuevo!!! 01-Jan-2022 00:53:47
              SteveW - Happy new year to my fellow Corrs fans! 01-Jan-2022 05:12:17
              MentariS - Happy New Year! 🎉❤️ 01-Jan-2022 13:41:47
              Robin - Happy new year 01-Jan-2022 17:10:08

SteveW - Sharon to be in an RTE Bowie tribute tonight 27-Dec-2021 02:58:46
              Jerry - That reminds me of Andrea's Bowie tribute 27-Dec-2021 07:08:01
              SteveW - video of Sharon's Bowie tribute (from DisfrutaLosCorrs) 01-Jan-2022 09:35:19
                           SteveW - Starman 01-Jan-2022 15:40:11
                           CSCfan - Tnx for the vid! Lovely performance :) And so good to see Bluey's still alive! :D 03-Jan-2022 11:30:49

SteveW - "live" performance of The Fool and the Scorpion on Spanish TV (h/t disfrutaloscorrs) 27-Dec-2021 02:29:58

CSCfan - Another performance of 'The Christmas Song' by Andrea 26-Dec-2021 19:21:53
              AB_CLOSER - Wow, thanks! Merry Christmas toooo youuuu... 26-Dec-2021 23:05:26
                           AB_CLOSER - She was at home with her family and her dog... with the same clothes... 26-Dec-2021 23:07:28
              SteveW - Thanks for posting; I saw a snippet of this on IG and was wondering where it came from 27-Dec-2021 02:11:09
              mark - Really pretty... Andrea at her best. Thanks for sharing! 07-Jan-2022 18:56:08

SteveW - Andrea and Ron Wood on Late Late Show - Blue Christmas 19-Dec-2021 12:17:47
              Wendy - Nice performance! Thanks for sharing. 19-Dec-2021 22:31:12
              mark - Awww... I'm so sorry to say... Andrea sounds wonderful, but Ronnie? Yikes! :) 23-Dec-2021 21:13:33
                           SteveW - I think Andrea sings duets well 25-Dec-2021 00:50:49
                                        Wendy - Serving the song... 25-Dec-2021 01:22:19
                           MentariS - I knew I couldn't be the only one who thinks that! Andrea sounds beautiful as always, but Ronnie kinda ruins it for me 25-Dec-2021 15:59:12

SteveW - interview with Sharon in Faro de Vigo 18-Dec-2021 02:54:57

Baxterianism - CorrsCast Episode 4 - Interviews with Noel Eccles and Desi Reynolds 13-Dec-2021 21:43:28
              SteveW - Great episode, as always. Couple of questions on the music clips... 14-Dec-2021 13:30:47
                           Baxterianism - Glad to hear the episode was enjoyed! Correct that the Cooleys Reel is a demo take for Dream of You… and 14-Dec-2021 23:13:55

SteveW - Two new Christmas performances by Andrea 10-Dec-2021 13:33:59
              Wendy - Thanks! It's nice to hear Andrea sing in a jazzy style... 11-Dec-2021 00:48:59
              Corranga - 3 wonderful new covers, happy xmas to us all :) Great to see her singing with Anto too 15-Dec-2021 16:38:34
              mark - She's so great... thanks for sharing! Nice to see Anto too. Very classy accompaniment! 23-Dec-2021 21:16:27

Mark - Always nice to hear the Corrs’ music in public :) 06-Dec-2021 16:19:52
              SteveW - I always stop and listen when I hear the Corrs in public, even though I can listen anytime at home :-) 07-Dec-2021 02:01:36
              DrFunkenstein - I heard an unexpected one in Walgreens a few days ago too. It was not one of the usuals either 09-Dec-2021 13:04:45
              Wendy - Same! I heard Summer Sunshine in a shop the other day... 11-Dec-2021 00:43:12

Jerry - Andrea's new Christmas song 03-Dec-2021 22:35:45
              SteveW - That was nice, thanks for posting 04-Dec-2021 05:11:26
              CSCfan - Thanks! Sounds very lovely... Here's an interview with Andrea regarding the collab (she stalked Ronnie!).. 06-Dec-2021 12:01:43
                           CSCfan - Oops, here's the link: 06-Dec-2021 12:02:18
              SteveW - And here's the video 09-Dec-2021 06:07:05

Jerry - Sharon announced some new concert dates in Spain 17-Nov-2021 19:34:58
              Jerry - Feb. 1 in Paris now added 24-Nov-2021 21:57:22

SteveW - new Celtic-flavored ABBA song 16-Nov-2021 05:40:00
              SteveW - This ABBA song reminds me a lot of "Stay" from White Light 18-Nov-2021 10:17:57

Baxterianism - CorrsCast - Episode 3 - Simon Franglen 02-Nov-2021 12:27:44
              JohnLnyc - Getting better all the time…. 02-Nov-2021 15:11:33
              DrFunkenstein - I love this look behind the linear notes and credits to see how a record is actually made! 02-Nov-2021 15:48:24
              Wendy - More great insights! 08-Nov-2021 09:57:50
              SteveW - Great episode, as usual. I enjoyed hearing a snippet of Siog... 17-Nov-2021 06:31:44
                           Baxterianism - Written by Jerry Corr and produced and orchestrated by … 17-Nov-2021 08:46:47
                                        SteveW - Wait, Siog was written by their dad? I never knew that! 17-Nov-2021 09:43:09
                                                     Baxterianism - Andrea tells us as much in her book. I dont know about his writing on anything else in the early days but.. 17-Nov-2021 19:52:42

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