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19-Feb-2025 21:57:18
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MAH - Message posting should be back to normal 02-Jan-2021 11:32:46
              MAH - Anyone visited the Corrs official website in the last, oh, 11 months? 02-Jan-2021 20:48:16
                           Corranga - Their website went down for years then came back. It’s one of the indicators I’d use to predict some sort of come back 04-Jan-2021 09:31:46
              MAH - Genuine question: would people miss a broken link at the top of the page ... ? 02-Jan-2021 21:21:19
                           Corranga - @says2jim seems to be legit if you’re interested in his content 04-Jan-2021 09:29:18
              Corranga - Thanks Marc :) Happy New Year! 04-Jan-2021 09:29:50
                           dave - Happy New Year to all Corrsclubbers - I sincerely hope that it is an improvement on 2020 ! 04-Jan-2021 13:32:36

MentariS - Nice interview with Sharon by Barry Egan (audio): 27-Dec-2020 03:22:31
              MentariS - forgot to say, courtesy of DisfrutaLosCorrs on IG 27-Dec-2020 03:35:27
              dave - Seems that 'celebs' have similar issues in their everyday lives to the rest of us. Nice interview. 28-Dec-2020 10:43:43
              SteveW - Sharon was more positive about the Corrs eventually reuniting than she usually is, so that's a good sign 29-Dec-2020 05:26:29

AB_CLOSER - The Corrs -- Little Drummer Boy HD - LIVE Weekend 27-12-2015 26-Dec-2020 12:29:22

nexi_exi17 - O Holy Night - Fans Cover 25-Dec-2020 15:13:02
              SteveW - That is so wonderful, Miguel! Great playing and singing 25-Dec-2020 22:44:37

nightcat - Merry Christmas Corr siblings, their families and CorrsClubbers! Have a great and safe holidays 25-Dec-2020 03:31:49
              MentariS - Happy Christmas, everyone! Take care x 25-Dec-2020 09:49:01
              Wendy - Merry Christmas Corrs Clubbers! Thanks for the chats! 26-Dec-2020 09:49:10
              Steverino - Merry Christmas, Nightcat, and all faithful fans of the Corrs around the world 26-Dec-2020 17:57:45

nightcat - For those who like the Isa Pa With Feelings soundtrack I posted here some time ago... 25-Dec-2020 03:30:42

MentariS - Another great Andrea interview on The Line of Best Fit: 23-Dec-2020 12:03:54
              SteveW - Thanks for posting this interview, Mentari. Her comments on Prince are funny. 25-Dec-2020 04:22:00
                           AB_CLOSER - Prince - Nude Tour - 7 July 1990. Andrea was 16 yo 29-Dec-2020 20:22:40
                                        AB_CLOSER - Prince - Cork 7 July 1990 - Youtube 29-Dec-2020 23:27:19

SteveW - Sharon posted a new cover version of a Joni Mitchell song 22-Dec-2020 12:17:56
              Corranga - What a lovely xmas gift from Sharon :) Covering Joni really suits Sharon 22-Dec-2020 14:00:56
              Steverino - Yes, "River" is a lovely gift of music from Sharon 26-Dec-2020 18:06:39
              JohnLnyc - Interesting Background Here 26-Dec-2020 20:03:25

AB_CLOSER - YT_Video: Andrea Corr_Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas_17Dec2020 20-Dec-2020 12:50:37
              SteveW - Here's the interview with Andrea from Fanning at Whelan's, too 21-Dec-2020 03:14:10

nightcat - I remember somebody posting bootleg links ages ago so does anyone here have BH tour Live in Bercy audio files? 20-Dec-2020 04:34:53
              AB_CLOSER - Send email 20-Dec-2020 10:47:32
                           nightcat - Do you mean send an email to the address listed on your member profile? 20-Dec-2020 12:34:38
                                        AB_CLOSER - Ok 20-Dec-2020 12:48:51
                                                     nightcat - Just got something in my inbox, thanks so much and Merry Christmas AB! 20-Dec-2020 13:51:34
              SteveW - the 1996 Tokyo gig is available on youtube 20-Dec-2020 23:46:33
                           nightcat - By gosh I've completely forgotten it was up on YT, thank you so much for reminding me Steve!! 21-Dec-2020 13:26:43
                           Wendy - The Rakes of Kildare... 24-Dec-2020 08:52:03
                                        SteveW - I never realized the Rakes of Kildare was the same tune at the end of Spancil Hill 25-Dec-2020 10:19:14

neleh - Caroline Polachek covers 'Breathless' 19-Dec-2020 06:27:56
              neleh - Clickable link here 19-Dec-2020 06:30:37
              Wendy - It's so interesting to hear the recorded version!... 24-Dec-2020 08:41:35
              JohnLnyc - Not my cup,... 26-Dec-2020 04:19:22

SteveW - 1996 promo performances of LTLY and FNF 19-Dec-2020 05:11:37
              AB_CLOSER - Thanks! They were... so young! 19-Dec-2020 09:50:05
              Wendy - These were great! Andrea's voice was so strong from the start... 24-Dec-2020 08:37:19

SteveW - Detailed interview with Andrea 18-Dec-2020 11:40:52
              Steverino - Very good and informative article. Thanks, Steve. 19-Dec-2020 17:59:14

MentariS - Andrea has released a music video for Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: 17-Dec-2020 10:13:38
              Wendy - Aw, that's lovely, and very 2020. 17-Dec-2020 10:26:58
              AB_CLOSER - Thanks! 17-Dec-2020 18:06:07
                           nightcat - Damn, this video made me shed a tear or two. It's been a long hard year for us all. 17-Dec-2020 20:10:08
              SteveW - Is the location in the video where the Lansdowne Road stadium used to be? 17-Dec-2020 22:04:40
                           M-Corr - Yes the location is Lansdowne Road now called the.... 17-Dec-2020 23:52:36
                                        dave - The home of Irish rugby football - whenever international games are played in Dublin 22-Dec-2020 11:08:27

AB_CLOSER - Andrea on ‘Fanning at Whelan’s’ tomorrow night Thursday. 16-Dec-2020 19:02:00
              evaprimananda - the promotion for Christmas Songs are more than Jupiter Calling 17-Dec-2020 01:37:57
                           nightcat - IKR eva? Funny when one thinks about that 17-Dec-2020 20:09:18
                           SteveW - Good point, evaprimananda! 17-Dec-2020 22:05:21
                           MentariS - True, and to think they didn’t even bother to make a proper music video for any song in JC 🙃 18-Dec-2020 02:35:16
                                        SteveW - lack of JC promo 18-Dec-2020 08:36:16
                                                     nightcat - You bring up a good theory there Steve. 18-Dec-2020 20:00:35
              M-Corr - Link to Dave Fanning show. 17-Dec-2020 23:27:25
                           M-Corr - To save people a bit of time Andrea appears at 17 Mins 30 Sec and sings at 37Min 23 Sec 17-Dec-2020 23:28:45
              AB_CLOSER - Fanning at Whelan's. Interview & Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. 17-Dec-2020 23:48:14

nexi_exi17 - Rare LTLY performance 1994 on RTÉ Player!!!! 14-Dec-2020 10:00:04
              SteveW - Thanks, Miguel -- I'm dying to see this but I can't get it to play 14-Dec-2020 10:20:58
                           nexi_exi17 - It's been posted on Youtube: 14-Dec-2020 16:44:05
                                        SteveW - Wonderful performance. I love the piano part and Andrea's effortless vocal. 15-Dec-2020 04:40:16
                                        Corrsgirl1 - This is such a lovely version of the song! 15-Dec-2020 19:42:06
                                        dave - Thanks for posting the Youtube link Miguel, I couldn't get the RTE one to work. 16-Dec-2020 16:50:42
              Corranga - This is wonderful! Great that after all of these years these things are still being found 16-Dec-2020 15:17:50
                           dave - Well if anyone has the resources to find hidden gems Chris - its him. 16-Dec-2020 16:52:54

AB_CLOSER - RTÉ One: Andrea Corr sings Have A Very Merry Little Christmas! 14-Dec-2020 00:56:07
              AB_CLOSER - Fairytale of Dundalk! 14-Dec-2020 01:02:18
                           Wendy - Super Cute!... 14-Dec-2020 11:34:34
              SteveW - That was adorable! I love Fairytale of New York 14-Dec-2020 09:12:21
                           Corranga - Wonderful performances, and an erm, interesting looking show too. I would love to see a full performance of Fairytale 16-Dec-2020 16:15:25
                                        nightcat - Oh these videos are adorable! Made my day 17-Dec-2020 09:44:50

Wendy - Corrs tribute bands question 13-Dec-2020 10:33:49
              SteveW - I haven't seen or been in a Corrs tribute band, but... 13-Dec-2020 11:19:34
                           Wendy - How would we do that logistically? :) 14-Dec-2020 11:10:25
              MentariS - Saw one live in Jakarta last year and it was amazing! 14-Dec-2020 02:55:39
                           Wendy - That Indonesian singer in the first video is great... 14-Dec-2020 11:26:37
                                        Wendy - An Australian/Indonesian singer I like... 14-Dec-2020 11:32:27
                                                     SteveW - That was a lovely cover version of In Your Eyes, thanks for sharing 18-Dec-2020 09:06:50
              SteveW - Corrs/Craberries tribute band 19-Dec-2020 03:28:20

MentariS - Andrea to appear on BBC Radio 2’s Good Morning Sunday: 12-Dec-2020 16:03:18

nexi_exi17 - Andrea to take part in the "RTÉ Concert Orchestra Winter Sessions" - 11 - Dec 04-Dec-2020 11:57:31
              MentariS - Thanks for sharing this, Miguel! Can’t wait 🙌🏼 04-Dec-2020 12:46:45
              Corranga - Nice one Miguel! Thanks for letting us know :) 06-Dec-2020 22:32:40
              nexi_exi17 - Premiere Link Below: 11-Dec-2020 12:48:08
                           nightcat - Thanks for sharing, I'll be watching this later. 11-Dec-2020 18:41:14
                           Johnlnyc - Maybe I’m amazed 12-Dec-2020 00:34:04
                                        Johnlnyc - A link 12-Dec-2020 03:09:43
                                                     Corrsgirl1 - Link directly to Andrea's part 12-Dec-2020 14:48:49
                                                                  Johnlnyc - Thanks 12-Dec-2020 18:02:37
                                                                               Wendy - She sounded (and looked) great!... 13-Dec-2020 00:08:27
                                                                                            Johnlnyc - Agree 13-Dec-2020 05:50:26
                                                                                                         Johnlnyc - Finishing up lol 13-Dec-2020 05:57:24
                                                                  Corranga - wow, what an amazing cover of such a great song. Really suits her style. 18-Dec-2020 16:18:16
              SteveW - Enjoyed this performance; thanks for sharing 13-Dec-2020 11:21:55
                           SteveW - Listening to some of the other songs... 13-Dec-2020 11:32:02
                                        Johnlnyc - The “others” 13-Dec-2020 20:09:26
                                                     SteveW - Just listened to Come Together 15-Dec-2020 10:14:03

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