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Baxterianism - CorrsCast - Episode 3 - Simon Franglen 02-Nov-2021 12:27:44
              JohnLnyc - Getting better all the time…. 02-Nov-2021 15:11:33
              DrFunkenstein - I love this look behind the linear notes and credits to see how a record is actually made! 02-Nov-2021 15:48:24
              Wendy - More great insights! 08-Nov-2021 09:57:50
              SteveW - Great episode, as usual. I enjoyed hearing a snippet of Siog... 17-Nov-2021 06:31:44
                           Baxterianism - Written by Jerry Corr and produced and orchestrated by … 17-Nov-2021 08:46:47
                                        SteveW - Wait, Siog was written by their dad? I never knew that! 17-Nov-2021 09:43:09
                                                     Baxterianism - Andrea tells us as much in her book. I dont know about his writing on anything else in the early days but.. 17-Nov-2021 19:52:42

Wendy - Is anyone else looking forward to Andrea's annual Halloween shot? 31-Oct-2021 13:44:31
              MentariS - Aaaand this year’s edition does not disappoint—I’ve always wanted to see her as Morticia Addams!! 😍 31-Oct-2021 17:54:53
              Corranga - I didn't think of it until it happened, and just to happened to be holding my phone when she posted it :) 01-Nov-2021 16:53:41

dave - The interview last Saturday 23 Oct with Sharon on RTE 1 was interesting. It was the Angela Scanlon Show 25-Oct-2021 12:06:30

SteveW - new interview with Caroline on Somerset Stories podcast 16-Oct-2021 15:11:12
              Punky - This interview is excellent! 18-Oct-2021 00:52:47
                           SteveW - What questions would you ask Caroline? 18-Oct-2021 11:15:07
                                        Punky - A question I would’ve asked Caroline…. 19-Oct-2021 00:09:47
                                        Terry2 - Questions questions. 19-Oct-2021 20:07:47
              Johnlnyc - Nice interview 21-Oct-2021 15:09:30

SteveW - Sharon interview in Hotpress 12-Oct-2021 22:36:14
              Wendy - Thanks for sharing! 12-Oct-2021 23:50:22
              DrFunkenstein - "I’ll write many more solo albums, and we’ll put out a few more with The Corrs as well. The two are not mutually 14-Oct-2021 19:20:26
                           SteveW - Sharon seems more positive in interviews about the band getting back together... 18-Oct-2021 00:14:14
                                        Johnlnyc - Two of four! 21-Oct-2021 19:35:03

SteveW - new video for Running on Rooftops 07-Oct-2021 05:25:07
              Corranga - It's been fun to see music videos produced during COVID, and indeed on a low budget. 07-Oct-2021 15:18:50

SteveW - a few interviews with Sharon 07-Oct-2021 05:00:22
              Corrpulent - She's changed her favourite book... 20-Oct-2021 04:42:49

JohnLnyc - Corrs track on Windmill Lane compilation 04-Oct-2021 16:15:25
              Corranga - It looks nice, and the track list is good (beyond just Breathless) but even as a Corrs collector it's 07-Oct-2021 15:17:34

CSCfan - Soooo.... Sharon's 3rd studio album "The Fool & The Scorpion" is out now! Opinions? :) 27-Sep-2021 10:26:05
              Wendy - I have mixed thoughts... 27-Sep-2021 10:58:34
                           neleh - A Thousand Lives and Heart is a Lonely Hunter sticks out me so far 27-Sep-2021 11:59:02
                           SteveW - So far I've only listened to the title song and Freefall 29-Sep-2021 18:04:05
              GreenViolin - I actually love it 29-Sep-2021 15:55:55
              Fran_SS - It might be my favourite record of hers 30-Sep-2021 17:04:57
              Crickets - Need this in vinyl 01-Oct-2021 17:05:57
              Corrsgirl1 - I love it! 04-Oct-2021 06:58:41
              Jerry - My pre-ordered signed CD from Amazon UK never showed up. 30-Nov-2021 06:29:49

Baxterianism - CorrsCast - Episode 2 - Ryan Freeland 27-Sep-2021 07:38:58
              Johnlnyc - Interesting if subtle revelations… 29-Sep-2021 07:56:04
                           Baxterianism - That juggling is certainly key. Wonderful breakdown and observations… 29-Sep-2021 09:52:33
              SteveW - Excellent episode (again!) 29-Sep-2021 18:08:20
                           Johnlnyc - Sorting things out…. 30-Sep-2021 01:43:13
                                        Baxterianism - Thank you so much for this breakdown. Incredibly helpful and really aids the full understanding of the process 30-Sep-2021 12:55:01
                                        SteveW - John, thanks for the detailed explanation of what producers, mixing engineers, and mastering engineers do. Very helpful. 07-Oct-2021 05:03:42
                           Baxterianism - So glad to hear you enjoyed the second episode! More to come :) 30-Sep-2021 12:54:22
              Wendy - Another lovely episode! The revelations for me were... 30-Sep-2021 13:14:02
                           Baxterianism - Thank you for listening! Its hard but enjoyable work to create it 30-Sep-2021 16:20:35
                                        Wendy - The amount of work is not lost on me! :) 02-Oct-2021 00:20:44
                           JohnLnyc - The heart of the matter? 21-Oct-2021 16:11:51

neleh - New Music - Running on Rooftops 17-Sep-2021 05:27:16
              Wendy - Lyrics... 17-Sep-2021 13:18:54
                           Jerry - i think it is meteors strike the earth. 18-Sep-2021 08:17:58
                                        Wendy - Thank you! 19-Sep-2021 04:53:08
                           Wendy - Updated lyrics... 19-Sep-2021 04:52:51
              Crickets - Pleasant surprise 18-Sep-2021 08:49:40

OzQueen - twitter bots for corrs lyrics 01-Sep-2021 14:17:07
              Wendy - Following! Ha, I like that this is your snapping activity. 02-Sep-2021 10:37:52
                           OzQueen - haha it was a nice way to spend some time! it made me really nostalgic 03-Sep-2021 03:02:46
              Steverino - Corrs lyrics are a welcome addition to my tweet stream. 05-Sep-2021 17:44:59
                           OzQueen - Aw, thanks Steve! It was honestly purely selfsh haha, I just wanted Corrs lyrics to enjoy! 06-Sep-2021 07:45:09

AB_CLOSER - The Corrs_Dreams_Festivalbar 98_HD. New for me! 28-Aug-2021 18:24:53
              Corranga - I recognise the outfits but not sure if it's from stills or not a couple of decades later! 31-Aug-2021 12:57:54
                           Corranga - Unsurprisingly, the answer to the question no one asked is that the Festivalbar 98 compilation album 09-Sep-2021 10:46:58
              SteveW - Enjoyed this video; I had not seen it either 01-Sep-2021 09:20:23

SteveW - Sharon playing gig in Berlin 25-Aug-2021 15:17:48
              Corranga - Nice to see her getting out and about doing gigs 30-Aug-2021 17:54:50

Wendy - First episode of The Corrs Cast! 25-Aug-2021 11:12:21
              DrFunkenstein - He played part of track "I Don't Know" that did not make the album, which I had never heard 26-Aug-2021 13:33:14
                           Baxterianism - Glad to have brought that to your ears for the first time!… 26-Aug-2021 19:39:55
                                        DrFunkenstein - REALLY enjoyed Ep 1 and looking forward to what else you have in store for us in the weeks to come! 27-Aug-2021 16:21:17
                                                     Baxterianism - Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it. Cant wait to share the other episodes with you soon. 28-Aug-2021 15:16:18
                                        JohnLnyc - Didn’t fit 04-Sep-2021 22:27:58
                                                     Baxterianism - A future episode covers the reason the track wasn’t used…. 07-Sep-2021 08:35:57
              SteveW - The podcast was brilliant1 Great work, Simon 28-Aug-2021 15:07:37
                           Baxterianism - Thank you for the feedback Steve. So glad the idea and content is being appreciated 28-Aug-2021 15:20:18
                                        Corranga - Well done Simon, I finally found the time to listen and it's a wonderful podcast 30-Aug-2021 17:37:25
                                                     Baxterianism - Really appreciate your kind words Chris! Lockdown gave me no limit of time… 30-Aug-2021 18:09:37
                                                                  Wendy - If Covid brought us a Corrs podcast, then it was all worth it! (Dark humour) 03-Sep-2021 00:27:00
                                                                               Baxterianism - Hahaha! More a happy lining on an unhappy time for many. The sentiment is very kind. Thank you! 03-Sep-2021 08:47:58
                           Steverino - I agree! That was excellent, Simon. Well done and thank you. 06-Sep-2021 17:41:16
                                        Baxterianism - Thank you so much for taking the time and conveying how much you enjoyed the … 07-Sep-2021 21:58:49
              JohnLnyc - In his own words 05-Sep-2021 04:29:14
                           JohnLnyc - PS See page 10 05-Sep-2021 04:31:27
                                        Baxterianism - Thanks for the link to the article! It’s sadly a little inaccurate .. but then its been 26 years!… 05-Sep-2021 08:32:56
                                                     JohnLnyc - Good points 05-Sep-2021 14:38:17
                                                                  SteveW - Yes, I was also glad to hear the story behind the pronunciation of "close-air" 05-Sep-2021 17:40:51
                                                                               JohnLnyc - “close—air” 06-Sep-2021 19:41:36
                                                                  Baxterianism - Thank you so much for your ‘rambling’ your comments are really insightful and … 07-Sep-2021 09:07:58
                           SteveW - Enjoyed this article; interesting to hear David Foster's take on these records 05-Sep-2021 07:49:57

neleh - Amazon UK is selling a signed edition of Sharon's new album 23-Aug-2021 06:55:20
              neleh - Sorry linked version inside ;) 23-Aug-2021 15:15:51
              Jerry - The unsigned CD is now listed on Amazon US as an import available October 1 23-Aug-2021 19:26:30

SteveW - Why wait so long to release the album? 20-Aug-2021 14:10:24
              Wendy - It's frustrating, hey? I suspect they want to drip feed content... 21-Aug-2021 03:30:42
                           neleh - Might be typical label marketing strategy.. 21-Aug-2021 17:47:14
                                        CSCfan - Yeah these days is pretty normal to release a certain amount of singles before an album.. Some artists.. . 22-Aug-2021 16:38:45
                                                     Corranga - At least Sharon is releasing an actual physical album, I won't know what to do when it's all streaming and no actual CDs 30-Aug-2021 17:58:46
                                        JohnLnyc - It’s marketing 04-Sep-2021 08:31:15
              SteveW - I grew up in the 80s, and I remember albums coming out about a month after the lead single 05-Sep-2021 07:59:17

Wendy - Freefall - Sharon's new single!... 19-Aug-2021 16:13:57
              Corrsgirl1 - I like it! A bit more up tempo. Im really liking the direction sharon seems to be going it with the new music. 19-Aug-2021 23:13:20
              Crickets - Her BEST SONG to this date! 20-Aug-2021 07:26:52
              SteveW - Freefall - first impression 20-Aug-2021 10:28:58
                           SteveW - another Freefall thoughts 20-Aug-2021 14:21:56
              SteveW - Freefall video premieres on Sunday 20-Aug-2021 14:00:49
                           SteveW - link doesn't seem to be working; here's another one 20-Aug-2021 14:05:16

Baxterianism - CorrsCast - Podcast 18-Aug-2021 09:52:01
              Wendy - Excited about this! How did you get all the interviews? Do you work professionally in media? 18-Aug-2021 11:16:58
                           Baxterianism - I simply approached the individuals and explained what I was hoping to achieve. 18-Aug-2021 11:21:29
                                        Wendy - Good on you for reaching out to them! 21-Aug-2021 02:56:48
              SteveW - Wow, this sounds awesome! Can't wait to listen 18-Aug-2021 16:18:01
              Corrsgirl1 - I live listening to podcasts and I'll check this out for sure. Sounds really interesting! 18-Aug-2021 23:55:30
                           Baxterianism - Thank you :) I hope you enjoy! 19-Aug-2021 11:19:49
              Corinna - Very cool, really looking forward to this! Thank you for all your hard work and creativity. 22-Aug-2021 10:20:16
                           Baxterianism - Thank you for the encouragement and being part of… 22-Aug-2021 16:24:44

neleh - I guess Sharon's next single is Freefall? It has a timestamp in iTunes.. 18-Aug-2021 04:05:44
              Wendy - Can't wait! 18-Aug-2021 11:15:10
              SteveW - Here is some audio of Sharon performing Freefall in Madrid 19-Aug-2021 00:02:41

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